afntina-ksalive sex stripping with hd cam

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12 thoughts on “afntina-ksalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. No. You are not her mother and you never will be. You did not birth her. You did not feed her from your body. You are not her mother. She has ONE mother, and that ONE mother has died. You do not get to step in and demand to be her mother. “Mom” is just a name. It is not a physical designation.

    Your problem here is that you are jealous of Angel, jealous of her motherhood, jealous of her relationship with your husband, and jealous of her child. You want all the attention focused on you and not on the people who are important to this story. You are not part of the story. You are only an observer.

    You have no rights where Angel's child is concerned. Only her father has rights. You want to demand to be in control of this child's life while everyone around you is telling you that you are NOT in control. If you continue your horrifically abusive behavior, you will lose everything. And frankly, I hope you do. You are a horrible person who does not deserve a good husband and his child in your life. You are frighteningly dangerous to this poor child who has already lost more than any child should have to lose. Go away and stop trying to hurt her even more. Why do you want to punish an innocent child like this? Why are you being so cruel to her? Why would you want to throw her into the very family that so traumatized her mother she had to run away from them and block them from her life? What the hell is wrong with you? How did you become to intrinsically evil?

  2. No. OP can decide that she is 'unreasonable, toxic and manipulative'… and choose Dad.

    Just because she makes the ultimatum does not mean that OP has to choose her.

    Do not think that my approval of her right to make an ultimatum means that OP should chose her.

    Ultimatums can and should backfire.

    Frankly, I think OP can make whatever choice he thinks is the most healthy for himself moving forward.

  3. Nice! Yarn crafts are so satisfying.

    An immersive video game might help pass the time too, but it's sort of a band-aid fix. Do you have any qualifications that you could capitalize on to break into a better industry? Education, experience, or passion go a long way in the job application process. Idk what kind of jobs you've tried, but I found the food service industry toxic AF, maybe find something more chill/inspiring like a front desk position or something like doggie daycare (if you love dogs, that is)

  4. That's a major red flag that you seriously need to take into consideration on whether or not you should run away now or want to deal with all this unnecessary drama.

  5. People can do what they want but I can still say they’re weird af for seeking out someone much younger and with much less life experience than them ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  6. I’m so glad you advised to see three separate lawyers. For someone who hasn’t gone through a divorce before it can not be intuitive to interview different attorneys. The relationship that you have with your attorney is so important, you guys have to be on the same page, and honestly attorneys are so expensive; you wouldn’t spend that kind of money on anything else without comparing first. You don’t want the cheapest lawyer, or the most expensive, you want the attorney who envisions the same strategy for your divorce.

  7. Wow so frustrating I don’t know how people can put all that on someone. My husband can be annoying with certain things. Like his procrastination is insane. And then it’s like I have to take on the worry/anxiety for two people. I literally have to make lists and sometimes I’ll dial the number he needs to call and just hand him The phone. It’s insane. He’s depressed too. And the more I think about it, im pretty sure he has adhd at least mildly. Post it notes everywhere. He doesn’t really get distracted though but the addiction and procrastination is getting worse


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