VictoriaCutty live! sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “VictoriaCutty live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I 100% mean it, I didn't meet my significant other until I was 29 years old, I was working as network engineer which I hated and never fit me.

    3 years later and I've never been happier with my significant other and I've took another position in my company that fits me way better and I'm still there learning everyday and improving.

  2. This is a chargeable offence. He could go to jail for taking photos of you, like that, and I assume this has been happening for awhile, meaning you were a minor. He could literally be charged with child p***.

    You're 18 years old, you're a kid still, this guy's a loser and you need to break up with him. You're not going to change him. You're not going to fix him. Everyone has a shitty life, and only they can fix their future, no one else.

    Walk away.

  3. u/just_a_thr0w_away1, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  6. Redditors are big fans of casual hook ups. If you don’t like this type of sex and don’t feel comfortable in a relationship with someone who engaged in casual hook ups for sex – that’s perfectly ok. However, Reddit will judge you harshly for this perspective.

    Personally, I view sex as an intimate thing between two monogamous people who love each other. I tried casual sex when I was single and it just wasn’t for me. My wife feels the same way.

    Something more relevant to know about her is her view on monogamy and loyalty. Has she ever cheated on a BF?

  7. I think I’m going to type out my list and put it on his nightstand so it will be the first thing he sees when he wakes up in the morning.

  8. I had to tell my bf twice (second time I actually got hysterical) before it sank in. He doesn’t do it at all anymore, or at least it’s so infrequently that I don’t even notice. There’s hope lol!

  9. It’s no different than saying that because of someone’s culture or race or religion, that they are of less value.

    Or, when you realize you’re having a one sided debate on the internet. Might just be a lower life-form on the other end, right?

  10. They're might need video surveillance the police can get access. Even if nothing happens, you should still file a report so it's on record. Doesn't matter if he doesn't get charged, and you don't need this guy in your life.

  11. Thank you, i been trying my best to focus on bettering myself, and im happy with myself. it just still stings u know

  12. Wait is the cooking for friends a side hustle or not?

    If it is, tell him to pull his head out of his arse.

    Yes he shouldn’t be paying for groceries IF those groceries are being used for your side hustle – that should come out of your pocket only (they are a business expense not a household expense)

    If it’s not then it all depends on where the money for the ingredients is coming from, if it’s coming from you, then again tell him to pull his head out of his arse. If the money is joint, then while you shouldn’t stop, maybe dial it back – you should be paying for your own social engagements yourself.

    And on him getting angry that you are going to buy yourself a car with your own money…….

    Why are you married to him?

  13. Talk to her.

    I talked to my gf night one where I was at sexually, and found out where she was.

    We found out our libidos line up perfectly.

    I can't imagine dating someone for months, having consecutive sleepovers, but being clueless to what they want on an intimate level.

    Fucking talk to your partners people


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