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16 thoughts on “LuxeryGirl online webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm pleasently surprised by the comment section. People usually forget about my body my choice when the vasectomy conversation comes up. Good on you today reddit for being consistent with your idéology.

  2. That's more than enough reason to move on.

    You can even tell her that you aren't interested in a relationship where efforts are not recognized, and wish her the best.

  3. After I lose the weight, I’m supposed to have surgery lift my boobs and fix my belly because I have a pooch. For everyone wondering, I weigh 80kg and I’m 5’3”. I have more muscle mass than average though (I can carry my husband and squat with him) so I look more lean.

  4. Your husband is the victim of repeated sexual assaults and blackmail – at the very least. You get a lawyer and go to the police and put these vile rapists away for a long time.

  5. Married almost 8 years, still lust after my wife, still talk about it at least 12-13 times every single day.

    Before breakfast.

  6. Well, she made it clear, her dream is to do the garden, bake and cook. She wants to quit work and her career.

    She would then expect me to take care of her and her boys financially. I said no.

    I came to the forum to seek input, generally and specifically from couples who may be in a similar set up or situation.

  7. yeah love that’s not fair at all (unless it’s satisfying both people ofc every relationship is different). you should BOTH be having your needs met. definitely sit him down and talk to him and if nothing changes you might have to break up with him. life is too short for bad or too little sex!

  8. It's a crush, you would be a fool to think that these feelings between you and Alice are anything more than a fantasy. A very dangerous fantasy that will be disappointed and backfire on you.

    Take some responsibility for your relationship with your wife. Are you saving your best smiles for your wife? Giving your best efforts to keep things fresh in the bedroom? Making love all night rather than snivelling that she doesn't orgasm fast enough for you?

    You are finding fault with your wife rather than examining your own failings here. Do better and turn your head away from Alice. Just stop flirting with her, shut her advances down and concentrate on what's real.

  9. I used to care about such an age gap. But honestly if yall are both willing, consenting adults and you're ready to accept what comes with dating a 21 year old, then shoot for the stars my guy.

  10. Let’s say she was open to it at the beginning.

    She knows you’re not into it. She says that’s good with her, too.

    Monogamy for the win.

    What is the concern?


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