Kassandra-fire on-line webcams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Kassandra-fire on-line webcams for YOU!


    she is the one who cheated, she leaves.

    Find a lawyer, file for divorce, and use her manipulative behaviour and infidelity as means to get custody of your children.

    But once you get back in that house, do not leave until the courts force a sale during the divorce.

  2. I agee that its not finacially wise to spend that much on a vehicle, especially a new luxury vehicle. To add to my situation, we do now have the cash to pay for most of the vehicle, but would be using most of our emergency fund.

    I have been promoting us buying a slightly used (2-4 years old) and spending $30,000, but she doesnt seem to agree. She tells me she would prefer to wait and save money until she can get what she likes (which is only brand new, and limited options).

    The way I feel is mixed. She has worked extremely diligently to help pay off my debt…maybe harder than I have. She now feels that this favor should be returned/ I should be willing and happy to get what she wants. I feel stuck.

    I do tell her that she can get the car if she wants, since it is 'kinda' her money, but I disagree with the choice. She is reaply unhappy with that as she always feels I disagree with her desires when it comes to finances. I really do think she would have buyers remorse if buying this vehicle, but thats just my thoughts.

    There are other issues in the relationship under the surface than this one, but I really just am wondering if I am being selfish here.

    She has essentially been walking 5-10km to/from work for maybe 50% of her work days for an entire year, with a lot of this 50% being times when she was mad and refused to get rides from me.

    Thanks all for the input.

  3. The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. She appears to be a serial monogamist who enjoys the 'falling in love' part but not the 'being together' part.

  4. Yea he’s going to cheat on you in college. I would end it. You’re 18 and the odds are against you anyways

  5. It's absurdly common. The amount of catfishing I encounter from men pretending to be women or couples is extremely high.

    If you're not comfortable with it, expressed that you're not comfortable with it and he continues to do it then you shouldn't expect the behaviour to stop. Not only is it immoral to his victims, he's cheating on you in the process.

  6. Ok, take a few breaths and take sn emotional step back, this IS a lot and uou may not be in the best head space to make decisions right now.

  7. It really sounds like you are and always have been asexual. That isn't something you can fix because there is technically nothing wrong with you. Unfortunately, if your husband won't accept a sexless marriage, you two simply are incompatible. You need to have a conversation about your options. Whether it is divorce or him having a partner outside the marriage to fulfill his sexual needs, that's up to you two. But please address this soon. It's unfair to either of you to go on like this.

  8. Why are you putting up with this nonsense?!?! That is not your girlfriend. Poly is just an excuse to be a 304.

  9. I wouldn't say you sabotaged anything.

    You told him before he went and he went anyway.

    Tell him you would rather be with someone that wants only you and the thought of you being with another man makes them sick to thier stomach.

    Tell Jim he made his choice and now you are making yours, you want a divorce, he wants to sleep around he can now do it as a single man.

    You deserve better

  10. I'm sorry dude but the chances of her 'just' kissing this guy for a couple of different meetings is slim to none, especially when they were alone at his house and sex could have escalated with much thought. I mean, come on now…the fact that she went back a second and third must mean that she was thinking about sex as an outcome, if not wanting it to happen. I feel like she is trying to get ahead of rumors that she's afraid you might hear so that she can control any potential drama that might erupt.

    You need to her know that you suspect that a lot more went on than she says and how her story of only kissing just does not seem plausible. But then you run the danger of going down a rabbit hole that never ends and driving yourself crazy in the process. But I suspect that the rabbit hole goes much deeper than you can imagine right now.

    It does not mean that you can't work through it though. This of course, is entirely up to you and revolves around whether or not you truly feel like you can trust her going forward. Couples counseling seems like the obvious next step, after you have another hot conversation with her.

    Whatever you decide, best of luck with it.


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