SusanLynn on-line webcams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “SusanLynn on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/throwRAgurls2832,

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  2. I'm certainly seeing that now. I'm not empathic and I can't sympathize with people who are. It's definitely something I need to work on as well as other problems that I've become enlightened to today.

  3. You can't enter someone's home without their permission. Period. If he's moved out, it's irrelevant that he's on the lease.

  4. Give her a two week notice or a 30 day notice to leave. You both agree that it's not working and she's not on your leave so give her the notice to move back or find another place

  5. I have to say that once you tell her she may never trust you again or respect you because you have broken that trust and respect.

    You have chosen to read private struggles and therapy notes and for me that would be a huge breach of trust from you.

    The fact that you feel she has broken your trust because she wrote out about having a reaction she wanted to work through, something her therapist explained what totally normal and then she talked about choosing you as a life partner makes you feel horrible is something you should sit and process and maybe with a therapist of your own.

    Feelings are a hormonal response, sometimes to feeling unloved or unattractive sometimes from having attention from someone new. They are often linked to oxytocin release which is also a part of pregnancy and childbirth. Called the honeymoon effect if you havn't heard of it. These chemicals give rise to the falling in love feelings and attraction. What comes next is love and choosing a life partner because people are more than just meat bodies they are personalities and values and qualities and goals in life and shared futures and providers, supporters. All these things are so much more than just attraction which happens all the time.

    What is important is what you do about it, respect for your partner, trust in them. Working through why you feel this way and reflecting on your choices. Life and living is about change and adapting yourself to changes which can sometimes include how you love someone and the ups and downs of life. Feelings that are sometimes stronger and other times weaker due to many factors. It is what you do about your feelings that matters.

    One day I would tell her that you broke her trust in you, that you disrespected her private thoughts and reflections but be ready for her to be disgusted in you and horrified that someone she trusted and loved would do that to her and would make it all about their hurt feelings against the mother of their children.

  6. I said it in conjunction to the follow up. Your friends also won't tell you that you look less attractive to your cheating SO by doing what you're doing….

    Being too forgiving gives up the power balance in a relationship.

    Like someone who pays all the bills for the house and the other person stops supporting/doing house work/watches the kids.

    Or if you both paid 50/50 and they said they are done and just wants the lease up, and you keep paying 100% to keep them around. You need to ask why they want out, then ask why do you want them there still.

  7. I haven’t decided how I’m going to tell him I don’t want him with me. I don’t want to birth alone, but I think I’d rather be alone without support than have him there. When I pointed out that what he was suggesting is cruel, he tried to laugh it off and says “ just kidding!” But I know he wasn’t. The comments have gotten more frequent leading up to the “sit down” he had with me the other day.

    I have a strong feeling that he had a guys talk with his friends about this and they are the ones that pushed him to have the “sit down” with me to discuss it. Our entire relationship he has never joked about my body before or degraded my appearance like this and honestly I’m still in shock.


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