Alaiya-1 live! sex chats for YOU!

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all naked,spit in boobs, masturbation [371 tokens remaining]

9 thoughts on “Alaiya-1 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/justhere4pics1, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. You need to include all the information in the post originally you did not so there was a bunch of information left out

  3. Avg like 5.1-5.5 inches like world avg? What country do you live in? Most women in USA want 6+

  4. Its not like our relationship was all bad, we had so much in common, we would spend time together nearly every single day in those 6 months. We really enjoyed each other’s company, (until things started going downhill).

    I might be wrong for thinking this way so feel free to give me constructive criticism:

    I can’t help but hold onto the idea that I will continue to better myself through reading, therapy and by practicing my newly learned behaviors to control my anger and lashing out. And one day I will be ready to love her the way she needs me to. When that day comes, I will be able to be a good boyfriend to her and she might give me a chance to redeem myself. If at this point, we are both ready to get back together, able to fixate on the aspects that made us get together in the first place, and have a healthy relationship with its regular ups and downs, then why shouldn’t I hold on. The fact that we were able to have a 4 hour conversation last week as people who genuinely care about each other tells me there is still hope. I know I fucked up, but it wasn’t out of malice, and I am also certain I can change. We live in a cold and dark world, and I was too caught up to notice back then, but I had found my light. I want more than anything to be her light the same way she was mine. I would move on, but I am convinced we are meant to be together and this is a case of bad timing, as I had much to learn about myself and my behaviors before entering the relationship.

    Again, I’m not saying it is right for me to feel and think this way. I am open to any criticism or alternative perspectives.

  5. STOP SLEEPING WITH HER and go on a friendship break. you can't be just friends after a breakup you have to have no contact for a while and then slowly start talking again.

  6. If no allergy test is showing that he's allergic to anything

    Allergy tests aren't accurate. At all.

  7. Ewww this is so gross and I'm sorry your mom isn't on your side. I would just be passive aggressive myself and say thanks grampa I'll be sure to invite you to the wedding , ok boomer women don't need a man to be happy anymore ,or eww gross stop. or you can say I don't fine this funny infact I'm really uncomfortable with please stop. It's naked to say but your mom isn't going to do it so you have to stand up for yourself. The fact is you have to be the one to speak up. This is harassment and it's completely crossing the line.

  8. It is your partners consent in question so you should be guided by what he says. Sounds pretty disrespectful to me to completely dismiss what he says and go to literal strangers to ask whether he can consent or not. Don't you think?

  9. Honestly, that's why I asked this question here. I just don't see their point considering he is going through some harder times and I'm just trying to put in more effort into making everything at home easier for him


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