KateBrat live sex cams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “KateBrat live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think we don't know enough to judge him. The guy could be an ass or he could be so frustrated with life that taking away something he looked forward too was too much for him to handle. Only people who have had the later experience would understand.

  2. I’m sorry what? She’s a SAHM but doesn’t even do basic childcare.

    I would try to get evidence for the eventual and nasty divorce/custody.

    She isn’t stable for whatever reason. Her irritability could very easily morph into verbal or physical abuse of either you or your son if it continues to escalate. Protect yourself and your kid.

  3. Dude ur 30. Most ppl have sex before then. If she can't handle it, then she needs to find someone else. That's not going to work for ur relationship if she can't get over it.

  4. Homie, she isn’t your girlfriend and you shouldn’t think she is or could be. At 18 you have your whole life and so many other opportunities to meet people.

    The two things that won’t happen are this:

    She isn’t going to break up with him and date you.

    If they do break up it won’t be because of you and if she’s a good person, won’t date you.

    What will happen if you keep going down this road:

    You’ll lose both friends and possibly friends within the same circle if you one day make a move or profess your love.

  5. Yeah it’s just going to fuck you up for a while. Try to be happy it happened now in your early twenties instead of wasting your whole 20’s or longer living a lie with this individual. You’ll have trust issues in your future relationships too but just try and remember they’re not all like that. Get back out there. Really a fucked up thing she did to you but scars heal. Chin up kid.


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