MarlynBeauty on-line webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “MarlynBeauty on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Everyone is focusing on the snooping – which is so, so bad, but what she is searching for is important.

    Tons of articles and question on google about how to tell if your partner is becoming abusive.


    two different personal “kink” sites for meeting locals.

    For both of these, OP, you have used her previous relationships to either blow off these concerns or heighten them. How does that work, exactly?

    Her previous relationships were abusive, and she transfers that on to you, so her “TONS” of articles on abusive relationships aren't that concerning, yet her previous relationships were, uh, something, so her whole TWO visits to the homepage of a local kink site are very concerning.

    You've said in the comments that you snoop so you don't get played. You snoop because you're a controlling jerk who is probably abusive.

    Do you share a computer/phone? Do you have some kind of software that tracks what she searches? Snooping makes you an ass. You aren't her parent.

    Do her a favor, and just leave her.

  2. If it were me, I would not let him know until I had moved out. I would not want him to know anything until it was done. If he knows what you plan is, he will have opportunity to negotiate and talk you out of it. I would not be able to trust him after this, and would not want to prolong the inevitable breakup.

    Do you want to move back to your home state? Do you want to keep your current job? Once you answer those questions, it will be easier to map out the logistics for moving forward.

  3. i married the guy who did this… i actually wanted him to “take advantage “ of me while shit faced drunk. he didn’t. he did take off my shoes and unbuttoned my jeans so that i was comfortable and that was it.

  4. I would walk away, because he is more invested in his friends and his “GF'S “, to where he dates his GF'S and not you. His time is spent with everyone else but you. Everyone is entitled to friends and spend time with their friends even friends of the opposite sex but when you get treated like a side piece and they don't care, it's time to move on. I personally wouldn't put up with him and I myself wouldn't have any trust in him. I also would pack my bags and leave and tell him as I'm walking out, that he doesn't need or want you around and that you deserve someone who will treat you like a GF and not a side piece. Walk out and walk away because as far as I'm concerned he doesn't care or respect you and treats you like fwb but better friends with everyone else.

  5. He's cheating. Simple as that. There's nothing more to understand.

    You don't make a public profile if your goal is to spy on people.

  6. I personally don't think that little things like that BECOME big things. Usually it's more like the little things are symptomatic of a bigger issue.

    These little things seem to mostly be focused on 2 things. 1- you aren't satisfied with his level of cleanliness and 2- You don't think he is properly respecting your life and the efforts you have to put in.

    I would just maybe talk about those bigger things and you can use the specifics as an example. I don't really think though that it's fair to criticize the way someone else lives if you don't live with them. So I would focus more on the 2nd issue.

  7. I’d go through phones and emails that I could access. Take pics of the lingerie so she can’t deny.

    And then confront her. When she denies then I’d ask for her phone to prove it.

    As you think it’s over all ready you have nothing to lose.

  8. Girl, I don’t even need to read the entire thing…you don’t have to accept anything. Your bf is lying to your because he doesn’t want to own up to the consequences of his actions, and you deserve someone that respects you and takes responsibility for their behavior at the literal bare minimum.

    The hardest thing to do is push back against the sunken-cost effect and leave that relationship behind. You don’t have to accept anything about your boyfriend being a POS.

  9. That, and the fact she got away with it + was willing to blackmail a kid means she probably never stopped.

    The only advice (besides obvs tell) I have for OP is do NOT alert her that you are telling, and counsel your father to investigate bwfore confronting so he can find out if it's still happening or not.

    He will probably want to act on emotion when wisdom would hive him a clearer picture of what he should do.


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