AkiraLeon on-line sex cams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “AkiraLeon on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Maybe start the convo like, Hey, you know the ring we picked out? Have you been stressed about it? Well they’re just still working on it, they messed up a little bit. Total butt heads, I know! But we’re going to make sure you get the ring you want ?

    Also- You know her better than we do and how to approach it and in which way. But my question is why keep it from her? And why would she stress vs just ask you? Communicate, for heavens sakes!

  2. I mean I kinda get it*, but also the stuff isn’t that cheap. I think if it makes you that uncomfortable you should offer to buy her new versions of it.

    *Its different if we were talking toys that were in an ex and she was suggesting it go in you. That’s just a no.

  3. If OP makes more than him and he wants to take most of it for his one child compared to spreading it evenly with all three children, then yes.

  4. Idk why you’re being downvoted?

    I kinda assumed that’s some of what they have been doing. Although, that’d still be dangerous if unprotected because she could still become pregnant.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    We have been together for 2 years and broke up last October/November. He keeps sending me voicemails of him crying and long emails about how he is feeling, that he isn’t doing to well

    What should I do?

    He never really reached out to me until I started OF

  6. “Top 43” Oddly specific.

    Adam and Eve (online store) does not sell green pills so you need to ask her when she wakes up.

  7. Male perspective here, from someone older than you.

    It is okay to be inexperienced with sex, everyone was at some point. Also, I'm willing to bet that you don't look hideous in bed. So, the issue likely doesn't lie with you, from what you've shared. This is something that you need to realise about relationships in general. Your bf's actions are not necessarily to do with you and your actions. We are humans that go through different experiences, traumas etc and we can sometimes take it out willingly or subconsciously on our partners – without them deserving it.

    It could be that he is struggling with something that is affecting him sexually and causing issues downstairs for him. Not necessarily that he is gay or hiding anything of that sort. I have had times in the past, as a man his age, where I struggled to perform in bed with a past gf of mine. There was nothing she was doing wrong , it just didn't happen the first couple of times and I got more and more nervous in the moment after that and it affected my ability to stay hard and perform in bed. Some say the brain is the biggest sexual organ for humans and, after having those experiences, I tend to agree. Now obviously I know that penis need not always be included in order for my partner to have a great time in bed and it's good to tend to her needs first. Really takes the pressure of my shoulders in bed knowing that getting an erection is not the absolute requirement for a good time in bed. And, I've not had that issue since I was 23 myself.

    P.S. I don't think toxic masculinity is a real thing so I'd avoid using something a term that isn't correct. Otherwise, it could just be a case of toxic femininity, if you do so.

  8. Maybe you'll get over the depression, maybe not. Either way, your daughter's always going to have a dad.


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