BettyLucky on-line sex chats for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “BettyLucky on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Not Your Fault.

    Your BIL is a predator, and has probably been grooming your friend for a while before this started, so most of the blame lays at his feet.

    Some of the blame also lays at your friends feet, as she knew he was married and had kids, could have stopped it any number of times since it started to get physical etc, or even better could have told you something before that.

  2. He might just be staying close to make sure she doesn't tell any of the family. He may be counting on the idea that If she thinks of him as a friend she would feel bad for “making him look bad” to the family.

  3. I'm sorry, really. This is not acceptable behavior, unless you are ok with it, which from this post doesn't seem like it.

    Regardless if he's “cheating” or not, cuddling and giving foot rubs is not something someone in a serious relationship should be doing with other people. I put quotations in cheating because I would take the actions you are describing alone as cheating.

    Would you feel like is normal for a grown ass man to cuddle with his mom? If it's weird to do it with your mom, it's not friendship behavior.

    You are probably way too kind of a person, which sucks that these things happen to the best of people.

  4. Omg. What if he's still seeing Britt…

    Why does he need to go hiking with her and take pics to commemorate the event…Hmmm..

    add that to the lying and hiding things from you from September. Plus he's got a history as a cheater. Yep, not good.

    Yeah, breaking up sucks. I totally understand. Even I missed my ex whom I wasted years on, although he was a cheater and treated me like crap.

    But if I were you, I'll be thanking my lucky star that you didn't waste over a year with this lying piece of person.

    Someone is looking out for you out there. You dodge a bullet.

  5. What else is he going to pressure you into doing? Making you take drugs won’t be the end of it.

    People sometimes change. You changed, and now you’re not compatible with your current boyfriend. Break up with him and find someone who has the same opinion about drugs that you do – or who at least won’t try to guilt and pressure you into doing something that you don’t want to do.


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