WendySm1le live! webcams for YOU!

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dance [Multi Goal]

8 thoughts on “WendySm1le live! webcams for YOU!

  1. so she gave you some lip service about your gifts and you bought it? lol

    if she cared about you she would’ve asked you for a list as well…

    by the time she gets you another gift another birthday will have come lol

    news flash: the issues you have in the relationship aren’t about gifts. it’s the lack of consideration on her part and (i bet) she’s more of a “over promise and under deliver” type person

  2. no it's not his mother alone. it's all her belongings, but he doesn't clean often. he tries when i'm around, and he sees me cleaning. he helps me.

    yeah we're definitely not compatible in terms of cleanliness and tidiness. we discussed this years ago, when we first saw each other's homes. night and day. i'm an extreme minimalist.

    he respects how different we are, and he says it helps his mental health when i'm there and keeping the bedroom and office clean. it's just the maximalist excess “stuff” that we're not sure how to navigate together

  3. Tell your mom she needs to tell your dad by next weekend or you're telling him.

    But he knows who he's living with.

  4. Anyone who’s ACTUALLY into BDSM or kink would talk to you beforehand before doing something like this

    Just slapping a girl without notice is mind blowing to me…you’re actually okay with this?!

  5. You treated her fucked up as hell and just to ruin that moment for your daughter? To make that good, loving experience for her about you and your grief? Yea, go back to therapy and stop acting like your grief is the biggest most important in the room. If anything Claire is a real g because she’s showing up for her kids, yours, you AND still keeping it together. Why don’t you make more space for her to fall apart and then maybe you’ll see she grieves similarly to you? But also, no two people grieve alike and you do need to get off your high horse.

  6. Thank you so much for some actually helpful words. ??

    This from the NIH: “The brain finishes developing and maturing in the mid-to-late 20s. The part of the brain behind the forehead, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last parts to mature. This area is responsible for skills like planning, prioritizing, and making good decisions.”

    People need to think about this when they give radical and often uneducated advice in a social media platform like this. You may think “well it’s social media and posters should know better”, but a 23F OP like this may not have the skills yet to frame it like this. If you really fear for her safety, give her a local or national crises line number to call. Telling her just to “run” may cause her way more damage than good.


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