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3 thoughts on “Megan-rizzo online webcams for YOU!

  1. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I’ve [27f] known my guy friend [27m] for about 8 years. Our relationship was platonic until 2022, when it became sexual. We’ve been having sex since June 2022, and it has always been at my place (he still lives with his parents) and up until recently it has always been with my condoms. I ran out so I asked him to get more. Today he had to leave a little early before he went off to a friends party, so we had sex before he left. After he “finished”, he took the condom off and went to the bathroom (that’s attached to my room), totally normal. The door was slightly open (not enough to see his face or most of his body), but I could see him tying the end of the condom and it looked like he tucked it to the side of him, like he put it in his pocket. He didn’t pee or flush or anything, and he came out shortly after. I was a little shocked by what I saw, but I gave him a hug and let him leave so I could think about it. My first instinct is offense, that he doesn’t trust me. But I don’t know why? Like I said, we’ve had sex plenty of times before this, and with condoms that I was supplying, so if I had any ulterior motives I would have done something already. Also he’s thrown his condoms away so many times in my trashcan before (though now that I’ve witnessed this I don’t know how many times if ever he’s tucked it away…it’s not like I’m actively paying attention to what he does with the condom afterwards), so again, if I wanted to do something nefarious, I would’ve done it. Just to make sure I wasn’t crazy I checked both the trash cans in my room and bathroom and there’s no condom. I’m just so confused and a little hurt by why he would do that, but I want to talk to him about it. I would love some advice on how to approach this situation.

  2. For her sex = marriage. Don’t waste your time, she wants to hop around and you wanna settle down. Y’all are going down two separate paths in life.


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