Swee-tarys on-line webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Swee-tarys on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. That’s a great thing to ask her about, I try my best but I honestly have not taken her out on a date in a while. We both work a lot but that’s hardly an excuse. Ok so I’m going to chat with her on this deeply about what I can do. I honestly can be doing more around the house like putting my clothes up immediately after putting them in the dryer and they finish instead of waiting.

    We definitely need to go on dates again. Thanks for allowing me to reflect on that. During moments like this I feel like catastrophizing happens so easily when the solution is something right in front of you

  2. I could deal with feeling like you weren't as close to your colleagues as you thought, I've been there before, it sucks but business is business.

    Your partner is spineless though, or more loyal to the company than you at the very least.

    If your partner would have told you about the meeting but that you were excluded how would you feel about the situation? Would you consider staying with the company or would you still want to leave but stay with your partner?

  3. downloading the app is cheating, accepting hard is accepting. if she your love of your life then you wouldn’t of done that jfc. you fucked up.

  4. People don't have to break up over everything that bothers them. No relationships would last.

    While OP's not obligated to stay with her if he decides not to, this isn't one of those posts about a genuinely toxic situation where the OP clearly should leave.

  5. He was a fuckboy and he only wanted her sexually too until I don't know what changed and he decided to become a bf? He was denying her too. She had told him she liked him but didnt have sex. She didn't give him sex unti until he became her bf which took nearly 2 years

  6. Yes he’s still in a relationship. I feel weird about it because of that so I’ve been trying to ignore it. Apart of me is also finding it hot to accept these feelings, not sure why. ?


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