Elisa-hill live webcams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Elisa-hill live webcams for YOU!

  1. Girl, you should press charges, if not for you for the next girls in his life that he will do this same exact thing to.

    Right now you feel humiliated and such, people shame you but not him, which just shows how fucked up everything is, but pressing charges might help others be like “this dude sucks, he is getting in trouble with authorities for posting that video of his ex gf on-line, what a piece of shit”.

    Please, press charges, talk to a female officer if it makes you feel better. This is not ok and he needs some form of punishment

  2. As someone with similar insecurities, the way I online with it is: not thinking about it, lol.

    My fiancé and I both use porn on occasion. Or at least I’m pretty sure he does, because we don’t talk about it ever. In my opinion, unless you’re watching it together for sexy time (which we are not into), why even think about it? If it isn’t interfering with your sex life, don’t worry. I have never once discussed porn preferences with my fiancé and I’m happier for it.

  3. Apple has embedded software in the photos app that

    changes the video attributes

    No, it doesn't. You seem awfully confident. What are your qualifications other that something you heard/read? Why should we believe you properly understood the context and conclusion of these experts when it contradicts my own and many others professional experience and knowledge.

  4. It's clear he doesn't care about you, so I think it's time to move on. This is likely him trying to end the relationship without saying so explicitly.

  5. It's clear he doesn't care about you, so I think it's time to move on. This is likely him trying to end the relationship without saying so explicitly.

  6. He’s no doubt cheating. But I wonder how the timing of the last pregnancy correlates to when OP was going out every night, specifically the estimated conception date?


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