Jinhoosam live sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Jinhoosam live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think it's tough , while some women are that stereotypical pretty , magazine pretty and that is always attractive but if that is a big reason you are with them then they are easily replaceable for the next woman that fits the bill

    I you are not that way but have that special something that catches his eye and makes you special for him then I think you are better off.

    As long as you both gel well and he actually does find you attractive you should be fine.

  2. You need to sit down and talk to her; sounds like she’s changing her mind about abandoning her kid…. You need to establish what role she/you will play going forward

  3. If you're staying there… going forward, document everything. The time it happens, who it is, what it is, etc. If a group is going to go collaborate on a shared bullshit story so their side of events is a win by virtue of popular vote, you need the receipts to just blow a hole in their lies.

  4. Sounds like you have already checked out of your relationship. It’s doesn’t matter how long you have been together don’t be with someone that you clearly don’t like. Why jump from one relationship to another. Break up with your girlfriend because you aren’t compatible not because you think this new girl would be better. Don’t treat people like they are just options. Then you won’t have regret.

  5. Why in the actual FUCK did he quit his job without having another one lined up? Give him an ultimatum. Get a job, or get the hell out.

  6. In this era, she should be pretty grateful that you’re willing to bear the responsibility of birth control. Even one night stands won’t wear them nowadays.

  7. You did it right. She probably didn't expect otherwise. You would be dumb to take her back, and she would have treated as a moron.

  8. You'll need to ask her to elaborate and clarify.

    Only she can tell you in more detail as to what she meant by what she said.

  9. Too late. You already are in one.

    Your children have a right to have a father living with them NOW instead of pining over someone who isn't there anymore.

    You are nowhere in a stable position.

    And you actually walked straight through the one womans face who makes your childrens life worth living right now, because their father is rather visiting snowwhites shrine than to cope with reality and be there for them!

    Get back to therapy. Yesterday!

    Your children and partner and your partners child really deserve better.

  10. A lot of men and women cannot handle being involved with kids that are not their own. It sounds like this relationship is not going to work out based on the fact she does not want to help raise your kid. Find a single mom or someone who wants kids in their lives

  11. Document everything. Absolutely everything.

    You gotta leave. You know in your heart he can't get better with you enabling him (i.e. putting up with his shit) and he straight up won't get better unless he wants to. If custody of the kids comes into question, you need proof that you are the main caregiver. Take photos when he passes out drunk. Keep a log of every time he fails his parental responsibilities. Record him when he gets violent.

    I know what you're going through. You have to give yourself and your kids a better life because no one else will. You're a bad ass and you can do this.

  12. Just because someone may have been a good match for you at 16 doesn't necessarily mean they're still a great partner as an adult. Stark differences in things like motivation and independence are a legitimate problem in a relationship. If this guy's longest term goal is just moving out of his parents' home (rather than building a sustainable career) he just doesn't have a great future. So keep that in mind as you complain that he never pays for anything. Chances are that unless he gets some additional education or job training he'll never be able to pay for anything.

  13. Ya know or the red flag she was waving when she cheated on him directly after agreeing to be exclusive. That may have something to do with his reaction. love how you blame him though.

  14. Info is limited but i think it has a lot to do with how he sees himself, you're not the one hurting him, but something else is going on, his family is not onboard or doesn't know how to lay things out.

    I'd suggest you take this issue to the gsy community and share your experiences. See what they have to say

  15. Because you have no boundaries with your “Platonic” friend. And if your partner was your priority you wouldn't be here asking this question.

  16. Well, this may not be what you want to hear but elope with your current girlfriend. Have the white dress wedding on your 1-year anniversary. IT IS VERY COMMON TO DO THIS. If you're having a child together, you are connected forever, and you love her…then why hold back? Get married! Go to Vegas. Maui. The next town over. Spend money on your honeymoon and enjoy talking about your future as a family. Don't wait 6-7 years to save up enough for a big wedding while raising a kid at the same time. That would cause your GF serious insecurities about the relationship you have considering how your parents and siblings are still trying to hook you up with the ex. It would also be completely unfair to her since during all those years she would never receive help from your side of the family with the baby.

    As long as you are unmarried you are free for the ex. I do not think a child alone will remind them that this is your life! I'm not trying to convince you to do this to solve issues with your parents. I am only explaining how so many people deal with families and relationships in this specific scenario.

    When you come back from elopement hold a dinner at restaurant. Invite her family, your family, and invite the ex-too, do a big speech about how much you love each other (all the things' people say when they are about to get engaged) then say “that is why I chose her to be my wife and made it legal on XX/XX/XXXX. We both look forward to seeing you all at our 1-year anniversary for a family reception. To the uniting of our families!” Cheers.

    Wait 2-6 weeks then announce the pregnancy. This also skips the step of having a fight with your family over inviting the ex to a wedding. It also puts you in control of the life you want and if they don't like it, they can kick rocks and miss out on being involved in you and kids' life. It will be their own fault.

    Your family will only respect the person you marry and have a child with. Gotta be both.

    Based on personal experience.

  17. No, I think I was pretty clear that it's all a lie created by a bunch of idiot teenaged misogynists who are mad on the internet that no one will fuck them.

    I'm baffled by the idea that you think women are not also attracted to young, nubile men, and men are not also attracted to older, more accomplished women. It seems like you think the world still operates on the values of the 1600s, when all anyone cared about was getting married and having kids and women weren't allowed to have jobs, thus women were literally sold to older men who'd had time to build up enough wealth to purchase them while they were young, optimally fertile, and (most importantly) easily manipulated, and you're mistakenly assuming that ridiculous and antiquated social scenario is a basis for biological attraction? I won't pretend the ripples of that idiotic society aren't still influencing the present, but that doesn't mean they should be, or that it's biological.

    We could talk about the fact that every ancient society that rose above that bullshit even a little bit had older, wealthier women owning harems of young men. We could talk about the fact that the pattern you're talking about doesn't appear in almost any other species. We could talk about the fact that there is literally zero actual scientific basis for your claims. Buuuut I'd rather not waste my time, since we both know you've wrapped your identity up in the lie (which is the point, isn't it? this shit appeals to men because it makes them feel superior, and they like that).


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