Daintydell online sex chats for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “Daintydell online sex chats for YOU!

  1. What to do? It depends on if this issue is a showstopper for you. Only you can answer that.

    Do you plan to have kids? Are you having sex with risky bc?

  2. I disagree. If they were co-workers that would be the case, but this is a supervisor/ subordinate situation. That changes things significantly.

  3. That doesn't logic. Losing weight doesn't make you tighter magically? This is such a weird and ass hole thing to say. He could have at least done a tiny bit of research before being an ass.

  4. Well we all know he was up to no good…at a minimum he is seeking the attention of other women. You dont get an “ego boost” from posting a picture…you get it by talking to them. Hes already disrespected you…he doesn't get to insult your intelligence.

    I wonder what his reaction would be if you had one? You need to ask him that question. What if his co-workers, friends and family saw it. Please don't be vengeful and create an account I know it sounds like a good idea but it doesn't fix anything and won't make you feel better. You both still have a child to raise.

    My cousin told me a story about having kids…I never had any children…that ship sailed long ago lol. He and his wife are childhood sweethearts. They waited until their 40's to have children. Both are financially sucessful…she came from a wealthy family. He said after their first child…They hated each other! For 2 yrs they hated each other…And then things got easier. I was absolutely shocked to hear him say it..they are the best example of a healthy marriage I have ever seen. Their boys are now teenagers and they are still happily married. They got through it and are stronger than before.

    Relationships can work after infidelity…its not easy. You definitely need to try marriage counseling if you're able…it wouldn't exist if it didn't work for some. A lot of people will say leave him…Only you know what's in your heart and best for your child. Take opinions with a grain of salt and trust your gut. I wish I would have learned that 20 yrs ago.

  5. How do I get over it? I have allot of her childs medicine should I send it or just throw it away

  6. Well at your age they wouldn’t be much help anyway in this particular circumstance. I would work on that though, you need a social life outside of your girlfriend. Maybe find a group that enjoys a hobby!


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