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13 thoughts on “Agnes Glass online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I am not sure I find him all that attractive after this. It feels like I’m mothering someone’s child.

    That's fine, so you know you need to end the relationship. You just want different things which is totally fine. Also, you're not selfish for wanting to spend time with your SO, he is being selfish by prioritizing his gaming release over his relationship. Which is another indicator that the relationship should end. Video games have likely been his stress release for a long time, so you have to be realistic when it comes to expecting someone to change. If you expect him to do a complete 180 that's just never going to happen.

  2. Bro she cheated on you. Thats what that was. You didnt agree to her suggesting this. That means her doing it was cheating.

    Idc that she felt unsatisfied. Thats a reason to talk to you and shee if it can be fixed (even if that solution was an open relationship! But you have to have agreed to it!) or to end things with you. But she didnt. She cheated.

    She doesnt give a shit if you are happy. Why the hell are you wanting to stay with her?

  3. What I meant by my comment was more wondering his reasons for not telling you where he lives. My thinking is maybe he doesn't trust you, does he have any reason not to trust you?

  4. He needs a psych evaluation and therapy desperately. He needs to find a psych pharmacologist to work on finding appropriate medications to help with his medication issues. He definitely has narcissistic personality traits.

    Just because you have one bad interaction with a provider, does not mean you cannot try again to find one. You are now an adult with issues, you are no longer a child and have the ability to change or confront a provider if you have an issue with the care they are providing. His is using his childhood issue as a excuse not to get treatment.

    As a partner, you make a make to support and care for your partner should they become ill, not berate them for their illness.

    His sexual behaviors towards you are inappropriate and his disregard to you as a partner is horrible. Has he always been this dismissive to you or are these new changes to him?

  5. I’m sorry, OP, this doesn’t look good.

    I’m also surprised that in the age of digital, people are stupid enough to try hiding texts on a joint mobile plan.

  6. I don't blame you for feeling this way. Because not only is he taking his friends to a place you suggested, but it's obvious that he TOLD them not to tell you about it. So this isn't just an oversight- oh I forgot you sent me that place!- but very intentional on his part.

    I think you should maybe go through with the divorce. He isn't making an effort right when he should be making the most, he is actively hiding something from you and asking his friends to as well, and then worst, trying to tell you it isn't a big deal. Well if it wasn't a big deal, then why did his friends all try to “shush” talking about it? Because he KNEW it wasn't a kind thing to do.

    So it isn't about the restaurant, it is about a lack of respect- you don't tell your friends to keep something from your wife- as well as a lack of caring for your feelings.

    You aren't being selfish, and this is one of those times where the example feels small (and I'm sure he will continue to say it is just a small thing) but the way in which he went about it demonstrates all the larger problems you have.

    He puts his friends first, he hides things from you, asks others to hide them from you, and then tells you that you are overreacting. Run girl, run.

  7. You're the exact reason men dont open up to their partners what an awful mindset you have

    He doesn't owe anyone a full story unless he wants to share it, but in a relationship he is owed support

    As much as I hate this term it really is the bare minimum

  8. Seriously, he doesn’t plan then complains? He needs to do some growing up.

    Okay, you are both busy with school, so you need to implement a standard busy people tactic.

    Scheduled Date Time:

    Sit down with your BF when you are both calm, and pick an afternoon/evening that will be date time: can be once a week, twice a month, etc – just agree on a schedule. Next, agree on a budget for dates. Then you alternate planning, one date you are responsible for , the next he is. The planner is responsible for all reservations, transport arrangements, paying. The non-planner has to do what the planner wants, but if you have no-go activities or want vetoes – now is the time to do so. Maybe you want to do one outside activity a month, one home date then alternate planning on those. All that is negotiable, you want to create a schedule you both are good with, and then his dates are up to him to plan and you go along, and your dates are up to you to plan and he goes along, and no whining about what each other chooses. Discuss your expectations.

  9. People have said that you should record an instance of him doing this. Even if the legality is questionable, you could probably do it and say it was an “accident”.

    But the conversation that is recorded with the bully should be centered around, “Why do you always wait for (gf) to leave the room to say what you feel about me? Why don't you have the guts to say this when we are all together? Because when you do it when we are alone, you just sound like a bully instead of a good friend.” When you do this, you are setting up the situation where you prove he is not only a bully but that he deliberately hides his toxic behavior from her (consciousness of guilt/wrongdoing).

    When you play it back for her, it should be in the context of “This is why I'm leaving you. Congratulations, you and your supposed friend get to have your toxic symbiotic relationship. Just know that you are friends with someone who is basically a sadist and sneaky about it. The fact that you would continue to deny this and negate your partners feelings is not normal. Think about what that says about you.” Now, record that second conversation with a burner phone, and if you are in a one-party consent state, post it to social media! (just kidding about that last part)

  10. Dump this misogynistic POS! 5 years? You got with him before your brain finished developing, and it shows. Tell your pathetic POS that it's not on YOU to moderate his out of control friends. If they are such untrained animals that they lose all control of themselves because they saw a girl wearing a short skirt or bared arms or whatever, then they should be locked up for the safety of others. I'm an atheist but even I know the Bible says to pluck out your own eye if you see a temptation, so whatever his stupid reasons are for trying to control you, all the receipts back YOU up. Tell him to put that energy toward his obviously ready to rape buddies and to leave you out of their dysfunction. Honestly, this guy is not a keeper, and these boundaries he mentions are all in his head. Choose better for yourself and wear what you want.

  11. After telling her this she told me i don't want your opinion at all unless i ask. Which makes me think she doesn't want me to EVER state my opinion.. i dont know it rubbed me the wrong way.

    Did she mean, I don't want your opinion when I'm simply venting unless I ask for advice while venting? Or did she mean, I don't ever want you to voice your opinion on anything to me ever unless I ask first? Because to me, the former is actually pretty reasonable if someone just wants to vent. But the latter sounds wildly incompatible with the notion of a healthy relationship, and also inequitable.

    Do you have a sense of what she actually meant?


    I have already brought it up in the past that there are times when im telling her about my day and she quickly goes to talking about her day.

    This is disrespectful no matter what she actually meant.


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