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2 thoughts on “MillieOwens live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I feel this. I am in a similar headspace to you.

    A while back, I found a Tumblr post that really spoke to me that said, “You don’t think you’re likable so you settle for being useful.” That, I think, explains this situation. When I mentioned this post to my therapist, she told me, “People like the things you do for them. That’s different than them liking you.”

    I noticed at the very end of your post, you mention all the other things you do for him. I feel that is the self-awareness showing itself; you know deep down that the folks pointing out his selfishness are correct and they’re doing it to help you, not hurt you.

    My ex was quite selfish and complacent towards the end of our relationship, which led to resentment on my part. I really couldn’t stand the contempt I felt from him and feeling like I could never do enough and that I wasn’t enough for him, so I left.

    I can’t help but wonder what would happen if you suddenly got sick or injured. What would he do? Would he make an effort to come visit you in the hospital? Make your favorite foods? Keep up with the housework? Get you medicine? Or even just keep you company by watching a movie together?

    Or would he drop the ball on everything? Would he complain that yOu’Re NoT tHeRe FoR hIm? Would he let the housework pile up? Spend lots of money on Uber/Lyft? Let you fend for yourself? Or would he hold any shred of decency over your head and make you put on a show of gratitude for him?

    I really think he is complacent and lazy and taking you for granted. Let me guess, if you point any of this out, he’ll have some convenient excuse handy or he’ll gaslight you and call you selfish or “high-maintenance” or whatever excuse he can pull out of his ass at the moment. Or he’ll take any act of “kindness” (no matter how old or small) and throw it in your face as if you’re the ungrateful one.

    In my current relationship, my bf has to keep reminding me that I’m not obligated to be useful and productive 100% of the time. It’s very hot for me to really internalize it, but I’m getting there.

    You’re not a tool that your bf keeps in a toolbox and only pulls out when needed. You’re not a toy for him to play with when he’s bored. Life is too short to spend time with people who take you for granted and don’t appreciate you.

  2. It's depressing for someone to try to find a way to accommodate a cat with their severe allergies? Meanwhile, people just got done attacking OP for seeing if they could rehome the cat. Y'all are never happy.


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