Kenyalorenz on-line sex chats for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “Kenyalorenz on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. It’s the fact you’re judging her so harshly for subtle adjustments to her appearance that you do actually find attractive

  2. Absolutely, you are right, and what you and others have said is valid.

    From my pov, I think if others knew what this organization does, they might have a better understanding as to why OP wants to go.

    Various people donate financially to non-profits.

    Some organizations that do the “help starving kids in Africa thing” might send a photo or letter to a contributor.

    Some other charities / non-profits might be sketchy with where their $ goes.

    With this particular organization, they want to give donors an opportunity to see where their $ goes – to see the orphanage in person, to see the actual kids they're supporting, etc.

    I get why OP is getting a lot of blowback and criticism, but in her defense, this is a legitimate organization that genuinely supports 10 orphanages that does not receive government assistance, and they rely on individuals to donate and support them financially.

    And for some, they enjoy visiting the kids and bring them supplies on the bus.

  3. I think you can expect that after two years your partner should know enough about your mental illness to be able to speak to you about it and support you through it. That he's just blatantly choosing to constantly mis-diagnose you, refuses to learn more about what your experience is, and brushes it off as him “loving you either way” just feels disrespectful. Just because he would love you either way doesn't give him a free pass to essentially say “Oh, you're not a social person so you're autistic like me and I don't care what you think about it because I know better than you about your own mental health”.


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