My friend and the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam
7KMy friend and, 18 y.o.
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Men are not machines and a penis isn't an automation. On top of this you're allowed to touch your own body. If your girlfriend is so irrationally insecure that you fluffing yourself sends her over the edge she needs to go talk to a therapist.
I'll give it a shot.
Knowing how she is however, she is likely to respond with just ending the relationship. She's been so convinced things wouldn't work out that she's quick to jump to giving up to avoid being hurt. Our relationship is the longest one either of us have been in. Any other she's had hasn't lasted more than maybe 6 months.
A little tid bit to help explain things a little better, we both have BPD. It is common in people who had traumatic upbringing (her), and in survivors of a narcissistic parent (myself). We are both also recovering addicts. Different substances. My thing was opiates. Hers was alcohol. She's also got one hell of an explosive temper. (She's made huge leaps and bounds in the past couple of years at controlling her temper, though.)
Basically we're one big shitshow that has managed to build a relationship and survive for nearly 8yrs together.
You could go to therapy and get these delusions figured out
That's a good idea. I thank you so much! I also want to feel special when he speaks to me.
Your gf might be Asexual and not know how to navigate that yet.
Either way, you're well within your reason to end the relationship because your physical needs are not being met. You can't force someone to be ready or be interested.
It's that he lied and said it was his more like. If he had said he had $150k and he'd be willing to take out a loan, even from family, I feel like they coulda talked it out without her coming here.
Y’all really can’t read. Kate is not the gf’s friend in the sense that that’s the only connection between Kate and OP. All 3 of them were friends before OP started dating his gf. If this were a bigger friend group with more than 3 people and OP started dating someone within the friend group, nobody would be saying he should automatically drop the whole friend group because of the gf’s insecurities
I had a sugar daddy relationship with him for a time when I was in college. Through that he introduced me to elements of kink that he was into.
I can completely appreciate why you are feeling this way as it leaves you confused because there doesn't really seem any use to lying. Then in some cases, it can create more doubt as you are aware he has lied about this, what else could he be lying about.
I would expect that potentially he is lying as he has not had as many sexual partners as he is saying and maybe he is slightly embarrassed. So he may select girls he knows to show you people in particular but change their names so it is not directly linked to them as he has probably never slept with them.
Potentially all male chauvinism which may mean he has got himself into a little lie that he can't get himself out of now.