Alana-Johnson on-line sex cams for YOU!

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123 thoughts on “Alana-Johnson on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yeah break up with her. She’s fallen down the rabbit hole.

    Even if you have all these screenings and therapy (you shouldn’t, she’s irrational) she’ll always be watching you, self analysing everything you say using some quack on Dr Google, imagining you are about to hit her every time you go to cuddle her.

  2. Ahh the good switcheroo, if you're questioning his commitment then he'll deflect and question yours, sounds very healthy…I wonder why he dated someone so much younger than himself..

  3. Is it necessary to go places that are that expensive? I don’t blame you for not wanting to pay all the time regardless of price, but where I live!, a $100 meal for 2 people is an anniversary dinner or the like. I go out to eat with my BFF all the time and it’s rarely more than $35 for the both of us including tip.

  4. Bro get off social media. Go to the gym and workout get all that frustration out.

    Next work on learning a few skill and then master it.

    Look for a hobby group. RPGs, hiking, book club anything so long as it’s in person and get you to move around.

    Plan a trip to someplace new.

    Go back to the gym.

  5. Few things. Firstly, you’re not a despicable person, and you’re dealing with a shit hand here. You have a family which set you up for this need of constant reassurance, almost certainly because you believe that if you get into a LTR and bring that into the open they will abandon you and you don’t want to be completely on your own. You’ll need to get your feet under you before that will start to go away.

    As for this guy, I don’t think that you did any irreversible because you were forthcoming about what you did and why, and relatively quickly. Him being equally honest about how hurt he is rather than just telling you to go away completely means he wants you to earn that trust again over time. Just don’t pull a dumb stunt like that again.

    Most importantly though, you will need to talk to someone about your coping mechanisms, and I’m sure it might be difficult because of your family situation. You maybe need to decide that it’s time to rough it, get a job and move in with a roommate to get out from under that. A guy I know is currently 34 and didn’t do that, and he is absolutely miserable and still lets the specter of his family control his life.

  6. Yeah that was the biggest thing for me. I felt left out. But our talk made me at least understand why, and that it wasn’t done maliciously. Fortunately it’s not a common thing he does and was very out of character…he’s always been a little yielding towards me in general.

    But I told him that he needs to tell me about major things like this from now on, and not leave me in the dark. He gave me his word, but if it for some reason happens again, I’ll know what I have to do.

  7. I get what you mean, but most of the time he's fine. It's usually pointless lies like a story or something and he was a lot worse when I met him (which was in 2020 so he was the awkward age of 15 mind you) but I don't know.

  8. She’s allowed to post him, but not his wealth, cars, or expensive shit. She even states that she knows that’s not the case. Read the whole post before commenting

  9. Plus plenty of docs do drugs. Lots of places don't do randoms at all. Only when you get hired. Maybe. Not that OP should, but just saying many still do

  10. I haven't really thought about it that way. When I say I have a life I mean I work more than them. One doesn't work and one only works morning while I work until 8 pm regularly and I have to make time in my schedule to see my bf since we work different schedules. I also have to make sure to see my dad and brother and I live alone so I do all the chores and neither of them live alone

    I don't think I'm jealous but I might need to seek therapy for my self esteem and I'll let them know that I may be showing signs of jealousy too while I'm there

    Thank you for your insight you helped me a lot

  11. My wife told her friends about my foot fetish. I didn’t know if it was coincidence or not at the time but ever since they were ALWAYS wearing open toed shoes or sandals when they came over whereas in the past they would have their shoes on or have no polish on their toenails.

    No complaints from me, and my wife says she could care less ??‍♂️

  12. Huge red flags.

    Forget about your girlfriend for a moment.

    There is no version of reality where I am going to get handsy with my buddy's girlfriend. Let alone kiss her ANYWHERE. Period. For any reason.

    This is absolutely “That guy”. The guy who'll be screwing your fiance the night before your wedding and then stand here with a big cheesy smile at your wedding reception toasting your future.

    Whether it's with this girlfriend or the next girlfriend, this guy will be a problem in your life. Cut him out of your life now. Frankly, drinking is stupid anyway. And drinking buddies only encourage that stupidity.

  13. Here’s my experience. My husband of now almost 30 years and I dated for 13 years before we got married. We are 60 almost 61 now. We put ourselves through school, got set in our careers, and bought a house together before marriage. We wanted to be financially settled. It worked for us. I don’t necessarily think it’s what I’d suggest for everyone though. You need to decide if you want to continue as is, or have a mature conversation about the future. Just be prepared to not get the answer you want. But you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you don’t have that talk. You definitely sound you’ve reached the point of either a marriage or parting ways. Some couples make it work without the legal stuff, but you sound like you want that. You owe it to yourself to find out what your partner wants.

  14. They didn't throw him under the bus about ghosting, they threw him under the bus about his character. Yes we have since talked about the conflict and resolved it.

  15. Send out an announcement to everyone in your family who’s invited to the event and warn them that if they bring your mother they will be asked to leave immediately.

  16. You broke up with him. He didn’t want that. He was upset. He looked for comfort. You two were not together.

    Get over it or don’t but he didn’t cheat on you.

  17. First of all, be proud of yourself for opening up here, to your wife, and to your therapists. That's the biggest, hardest step, and you did it.

    Second – don't beat yourself up for not noticing the depression. It's sneaky, and subtle, and grows like black mold on your life and your perceptions.

    Depression comes on like a fog that settles in on your life.

    It starts off as a little mist, making it harder for you to notice, appreciate or even feel good about things in your life. That movie that you would have loved 3 years ago is kinda … meh. That dessert that you used to love? Yeah, it is kinda bland now. Conversely, you really start to notice the things that you don't like, or that have gone wrong. You can't remember the fun you had on a date with your wife, but you can remember when you embarrassed yourself in front of her on it. This goes on, and you get used to life sucking a little bit more every day.

    Then it gets worse, and it actively interferes with your perceptions of what is enjoyable or not. That sport you used to enjoy watching or playing? Yeah, it just doesn't seem appealing any more. That person you used to have fun hanging around with? Yeah, going out to see them seems like a huge fucking effort, and is probably gonna end up being a shitty time, anyways. Might as well stay home and binge YouTube or NetFlix instead.

    And then, if you're lucky, your friends and family notice it and ask you about it. This is where you start feeling like you're at fault for this. Your life isn't so bad, what have you got to be depressed about, right? But you're miserable – miserable in your own head, and miserable to be around. Instead of seeing possibilities, you only focus on mistakes or problems. Instead of making plans, you start avoiding people/activities/risks. And, sometimes, instead of sticking around or reaching out to you, people start reacting to you like you seem to want them to – by leaving you alone, or by finding other things to do rather than spend time with you.

    This feeds the depression even more – you miss them, and you feel guilty for “driving them away” – and you start isolating yourself more. Or pushing people away to “save them from having to deal with you and your petty issues”.

    All along, your depression is lying to you and telling you that this is normal, or that it's not that big a deal. When combined with the whole “Men are strong, and don't complain about ANYTHING.” bullshit that so many men learn and internalize, it's a recipe for alienation, isolation, and even worse depression.

    Most importantly, though – this is not your fault and it is not some moral failing on your part that you should be ashamed of. Being vulnerable – with your wife, with your therapists, and with safe friends – is the biggest step that you can take in dealing with the depression. Depression thrives in isolation – the minute you start connecting with other people, it gets easier to deal with. Have some compassion for yourself, keep admitting to yourself, your wife and your therapist when you're NOT okay, and you'll find a path back to a more normal life.

    Good luck, OP – I know that you can get through this, and I hope you find your peace and joy again very soon.

  18. Wouldn't surprise me if Ashley's husband would show up at this encounter. It's a typical trick dudes try to get their wife to find a partner, get her a bit buzzed and going, then he shows up and suddenly everything is on the table.

    Get divorce papers filed. The shock of it should sober her up pretty quickly, then decide what you want to do. If you decide to stay with her, get consoling and define better boundaries.

  19. We talked and she still says she doesn’t want to be with me. When I told her that her acting like she is doing me a favour makes me feel extremely shitty about myself, she didn’t seem to care. She can’t see what it does to me when I feel like she doesn’t want to have sex with me. Sure there is a bit monotony, but is that grounds for that?

  20. I’m over the break up but it just hurts that she got with someone else after not wanting to get with me yk

  21. Gay? Sure you don't mean he BI best friend? I wouldn't be comfortable with that friendship one bit. You need to deal with this.

  22. She's not seeing things from all angles bc she's not looking at it from your angle. The fact that she's siding with bullies tells me she's either an enabler or a bully herself. She's not “too nice.” She's nkt being nice to you at all. She's being dismissive.

    This is a dealbreaker for me. I've cut off family members for doing this. If my feelings and pain aren't valid to you then you don't need to be in my life.

    How would she feel if you always sided with the person who wronged her? Just something to think about.

  23. He is supposed to be my partner. Now that he has cooled off he hasn't brought up the phone stuff. But if he wants to play teacher he can drop me from the plan. That will mean he Literally doing nothing for me, and this will make leaving easier.

  24. It doesn’t seem to me you were lashing out. You were being honest with her which I feel she needs to continue to hear if she wants to continue repairing the relationship. She knows her faults and is trying from what I’m seeing. Just continue to talk with her on understanding certain boundaries your placing.

  25. You definitely didn’t waste two years. You’ve learned you can stand firm on your boundaries. And sometimes it just takes that long for people to show who they really are. He was at a place where he was comfortable enough to envision marriage and a life with you, which made him comfortable enough to drop his drop mask. Be happy you saw the real person before it was too late.

    Enjoy your new puppy!

  26. Have you clearly communicated to him that he’s not a good lover?

    Having no boundaries with your mom is one thing, but picking up the phone MID-intimacy is not beyond that, it’s also like such a gross way Of yet again proving what a shitty lover he is.

    I see this is in the same vein as things ending when he’s done – your needs are not relevant.

    Personally, I don’t think that’s negotiable. I don’t know how much you value sexual intimacy, but if anyone acted that uncaring and oblivious about my needs, I’m not waiting around for them to get the picture.

  27. Does the “marriage means devoting yourself to your significant other” tell something to you?

    Of course he isn't going to be comfortably watching you have your way with other guys. It is unsettling.

  28. Why should she be looking for that info? That's extremely private

    A lot of people claim their exes were abusive, but might be abusive themselves. Hence, in countries where records are publicly available, people (especially women) actually like to check the info that's out there.

    Yes, this is very private, but especially for women, dating can be very dangerous, hence, why they feel the need to do research.

    . Why do I have to explain that someone shouldn't go digging around looking at someone's domestic violence victimhood history?

    Discuss this with your therapist.

  29. Honestly it wouldn’t be too naked, most idiots that act like that know they can’t fight. Most people that will call you out for that kind of behavior usually aren’t all talk and can defend themselves. If I was a giddy little asshole calling people names and someone stood up for those people I’d be on my knees praying my ass doesn’t get whooped

  30. I keep hearing “fuhgeddaboutit!”, and “and then I do not forgive” ….. a real Sopranos Godfather moment.

    OP, if you are not under a bridge waiting on some goats…. If you set foot in your home country, never expect to leave breathing. They will wait like a snake in the grass playing the long game. Waiting to strike when least expected.

    So say the violent behavior is to be expected or the response heroic is beyond comprehension. Being scared beyond belief and Still doing one’s duty equals heroic in my eyes. Expected violence and its acceptance is abhorrent to me.

    Unfortunately there are cultures that justify and glorify this behavior, especially towards women. They try to gatekeep our wombs to produce their offspring while holding us down, and seeing us as less than. Oh, and don’t think that mindset has been eradicated in the Western world. Fundamentalist Christians are a prime example, LDS, Catholic and the list grows. Anti-abortion advocates are womb gatekeepers. Sooooo, let’s not get too holier than thou. Okay, maybe the pun was intended.

    OP, best wishes for your future.

    Agape ?

  31. It’s completely disrespectful and childish behavior for an adult lmfao

    I feel for your partners if you think this is chill

  32. She should give him all the space he needs. He can have his computer and his hand (it’s not his libido) and she can find a partner who desires her as much as she him. Win win.

  33. You're being gaslit in to thinking you did something wrong. She crossed a boundary. You broke up with her. It's her actions that caused this.

  34. Ugh. This man is disgusting. I can’t. You had no business playing with a teenager. And now… 10 years later… ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

  35. It's not that easy when it's so constant. I wish I could just ignore it. It's not like I haven't though of it.

    And I DONT blame her. I've said that repeatedly. I'm just frustrated and sick of everything. It's not as simple as ignore and it'll stop like she pretends. Or it would already be done.

  36. Blurry?

    Let's clear it up. Dump the jerk. He's abusive. You deserve someone who lifts you up and makes you feel safe and protected all the time.

  37. Not harsh at all, I asked for it! We are official, and I am definitely planning on giving it a bit more time before I see it through. Just to assure myself I’m not having a weird irrational moment. But this kind of thing is just my style and an aspect of being me, I understand it isn’t a lighthearted moment. I guess “no pressure” would be a better way to put it than light hearted, I don’t want to create a scenario where he feels he needs to say it back, etc.. it’s just important he knows. People throw those three words around like nothing it seems, so I wanted to do something special and I think it’ll be a nice touch to have a tangible reminder going forward (I feel pretty secure in the fact it will go well)

  38. Your first mistake was going back to the hood lol Leave that shit behind man, don't hang around people who pull silly shit like that over hurt egos. Your gf may not be the sharpest but can't blame her if she has no experience with it. She's focusing on the wrong thing but you inadvertently put her in a situation she was not prepared for.

  39. How the hell is that projecting?! If you are going to date a single parent and think you won't be responsible for their kid in any way when things get serious, then you should not be with said parent. My husband is freaking amazing and does a damn good job. Better then their own father. He knew what he signed up for and he has taken on that role 100%. Cause that's what you're suppose to do when you get seriously involved with a single parent. FFS it's like talking to a bunch of idiots!

  40. IF it really has nothing to do with their behavior or appearance then its a personal issue that you need to work on yourself. Either seek counsel from family or good friends or possibly therapy.

  41. That is called insecurity not preference. Stay single and spare a lot of women the time dealing with you and your insecurity.

  42. I don’t know that counseling would help. He’s always been money motivated. I’ve tried to explain that quality time isn’t sleeping next to one another or eating dinner together (As it’s a normal task we do daily) but he thinks it is. I feel like counseling would be a waste because he refuses to listen to reason.

  43. Getting a dr8vers license is the easiest of the 3. If he's not making any effort to do any of it after a year of promoses he probably won't.

  44. Okay run!! Run as fast as you fucking can!! His got sleeping pills in his apartment which it seems he has used on you, you need to leave him!!

  45. Thank you, I think that’s wise advice. I definitely have less to lose now than I will if things get more serious.

  46. You invaded his privacy by demanding to see his messages. You didn't like seeing that he'd mentioned you in his messages. Why not call it quits, decide you're even and vow to be more mindful of each other's privacy from now on?

  47. your friend is right and you should find someone that is in your own age. having a fling is one thing, having a full relationship with someone at that gap is creepy.

  48. People who violate trust will definitely do it again. That's why it happened in the first place. Obviously this does not apply to things where boundaries weren't clearly set but it sounds like the boundary was set well.

    I would move on if I were in your shoes. It's not worth the trust issues and anxiety.

  49. can I have your parents relationship? Will have nothing to do with you. Don’t make big proclamations about marriage when you’re so young. Things change you’re going to be a completely different person five years from now than you are now.

    as far as dating, a lot of people really regret, not shooting their shot in high school.

    ask them to casual dates like Boba or coffee. movies and dinner are clichĂŠ and not very good for getting to know someone.

    don’t make a big deal out of it. Just mention that there’s a place that you like and ask if they would like to go with you.

  50. The golden child deliberately set out to upstage you?

    Typical golden child behaviour, heaven forbid you get any attention for your achievements.

    Go to your graduation, you’ve spent years studying and doing prac to get to this point. And everything I hear about med school is it is tough and you basically don’t have a life. What a marvellous win for you. Please don’t blow it off. Gather your closest friends and ask them to stand in for your family.

  51. It’s not the same thing but when both my son’s graduated from boot camp, one Marine, one Army. There were people who had no family there for whatever reason. They were adopted for the day. I had bonus sons and celebrated the accomplishment for them also. Not pity, just come eat with us .

    Congratulations on becoming a doctor. That is huge!?

  52. Committing yourself to a person with mental health issues is every bit as demanding as committing yourself to someone with physical disabilities.

    Don’t feel guilty for recognizing that: it happens to be true.

    What you decide to do about that is up to you, but don’t commit yourself to a person whose needs are going to make you bitter and resentful. Life’s too short to pretend to be a saint.

  53. Long distant relationship so all your problems can be solved with a single button. Food for thought. Bye Felicia!

  54. What price will you have to pay! You said he’d get mad at you, but he wouldn’t be abusive. Isn’t it worth dealing with him getting mad at you in order to get your dog – whom you say you love – to safety?

  55. are you… a monster? like literally did you escape from the gates of hell? leave her the hell alone

  56. We were in couples counseling during the pandemic our therapist would weekly tell her to get or at least try to find employment she wouldn’t. Was the first time I ever saw a therapist get frustrated but she just won’t do it.

  57. Nobody has suggested that he give up any parental rights. But the 15 year old kid clearly resents the newborn and has escalated his behaviors to violence. He is an obvious danger to the newborn and his stepmom.

  58. It also doesn't matter that other women have been through worse. I've had a couple experiences where you'd likely say that about me. That's why I'm so comfortable saying this is rape and you have every right to call it rape.

  59. She is not 19 – she is 42. When you are 42 you have build up a lot of internal rules (and that goes for you as well) which can be difficult to change. When you find yourself crashing against them – learn from them and maybe take a talk about them. You are in a young relationship- it takes time to understand each other.

    If you look at the problems “I do not eat toast”, “I do not eat early in the morning” These are all things you need to discuss. Like – “how do you like your breakfast? What are your favourite breakfast foods? When do you like to have breakfast in general? If I want to make breakfast for you – do you prefer I ask beforehand?” This will make you understand her better.

    What happened with your soup – is understandable – she is feeling unwell and maybe not very hungry. The fact that you want her to thank her – is showing you are not used to this marriage. You accept things like this because you realise she is sick and you as a good husband want to be good to her. The fact that you spent two hours preparing the soup shows this as well. When you are sick – you want something now. You are not in the mood for gourmet food.

    I suggest you start having dates where you focus on communication and improving your relationship – otherwise you will soon feel to hurt to continue your relationship.

  60. And I already said OP was also pressured to marry their attacker, which happens all the time to sexual assault victims in conservative settings.

    So I did read the rest of the quote, which is equally tone-deaf and makes it seem like OP went and did all of that at their pleasure.

  61. Only you can decide if you are 'overreacting' or not. It sounds pretty disrespectful to me and sexist. What has he said when you talked to him about it?

  62. Leave your ex alone. I personally would never want to know any of this. Better she spend her life thinking your a jerk not a monster.

  63. He is an ass for shushing you, because if he actually CLEANED up after himself you wouldn't feel the need to nag him.

    You are not his mom. He is not a teenage boy! He should act his age and clean up after himself. He is a pig.

    OP, don't let him push you around and being disrespectful. When he acts like this, stop act like his girlfriend. Meet him at his level. Despite Depression (I know cleaning can be a struggle when you dive in that level) he can clean. He might need more time, maybe help, but stop all together? If he is this depressed, other things should also be a struggle. Being out. Go out drinking. Driving. All that would take a toll on him and it doesn't. So he can start clean.

  64. no i don't know anything about the guy from the club i was saying my fiance was a great guy

    i dont care aobut the other guy at all

  65. My brother said a shitty, arguably racist thing

    Arguably? No. This is not ambiguous.

    Your brother fucked around and found out.

  66. Do you still want to be with 18f? If so, then don't do it. If you want to be a good future partner, then don't hook up with her friend. If you aren't interested anymore then tell her that and give 19f an opportunity to decide for herself if she still wants to pursue you after dating her friend.

    Be dishonest and you'll probably be hated by both and everyone they tell about you. Be honest and you might not end up with either, but at least neither will hate you.

    Though I gotta say 18f is a bad friend if she knows her friend has a crush on you and wants to pursue you without telling her that she's already dating you.

  67. This is very true and a very good insight. I definitely have a cinematic sort of image in my own brain that is 100% not connected to reality. When he first told me we both began with therapy separately but because he truly feels like nothing is wrong with him and that it genuinely does not impact him he’s not really doing the work. I agree with all you’re saying but it’s him mostly with the. “bottle things up” approach because as I said he genuinely doesn’t think anything from his childhood has had a negative impact on him now. Of course I disagree with this but it’s hard to force him to go to therapy especially when he thinks this way.

  68. You’re not compatible. There’s nothing wrong with her values. I grew up similar to her so I get it . I’m sure there are plenty of women out there you are compatible with.

  69. Oh I will I screamed at her and my husband told her to never step a foot in our home again. I will tell them that and tell them how much I love their dad and that they very much loved and wanted

  70. Apologize to the bride and let it go. She's the one that matters.

    It was demanding, it was rude, but you can't un-write it.

    Odds are good he's just pouting for sympathy and to make you look bad, and will show up anyway.

    Be good to the newlyweds and make the best of it.

  71. You don’t have a partner. A partner would do what he just did to you. He applies and went through the entire process and lied by omission. He’s also decided unilaterally take it it seems.

    That’s not a partner, that’s someone you’re dating saying quiet loudly that they’re not factoring you in their life decisions.

    Frankly I suggest you do the same.

  72. You need to run a mile from this man.

    He‘s an alcoholic, suffers from a serious mental health disorder and is violently delusional. Not only that he uses any opportunity to insult and hurt you (sometimes physically).

    No amount of therapy will help him.

    Please get out before he kills you.

    Also stop apologising to him. You did nothing wrong. Its an abuse tactic from him where he blames you for everything to wear you down to the point you start believing it. No. It’s all on him.

    You can try asking the police to help you get your stuff back (ask for an escort) but if that doesn’t work you might have to write it off. But please leave.

  73. You need to start believing you are worthy of love, and that you are doing a good job of being a supportive partner.

    Once you believe that you need to start recognizing that you deserve an equally supportive partner, and not one who is overly demanding, critical, and unappreciative.

    The self-loathing you feel is not a reflection on you, but rather on the terrible way you are being treated. You deserve better

  74. Gotta risk it at some point. If you like him and trust him, go with it. If you don’t trust him, don’t.

  75. Sounds like she is missing some key information. Not saying this guy can’t be a dick. But I have learned don’t believe every sob story from a woman.

  76. Well as other commentors said she should report it, the boss is way over the line and definetely violated some laws.

    Stop being so aggressive, I am not your enemy. Imagine it happened to your daughter, would you feel ok if she went back to work there?

  77. Hey there. I’m glad it sounds like you’ve found a happy route (therapy). But I was intrigued that your boyfriend mentioned contouring.

    I know there can be a lot of pressure on women to conform to a particular appearance and it sounds like your rejection of that pressure is a huge and healthy step, and I applaud you for that.

    That said, if you did want to change your facial features a little, I don’t think makeup would be a bad way to go – you could experiment without any serious consequences.

    Bit what matters here is your happiness, and nobody else’s, so please make sure you keep that in mind.

  78. It sounds to me like your FWB wants to explore their feelings towards you but also they are in love with their current partner. Since your adding that you don’t see yourself developing feelings for the current partner, I’d say stay out of it. If you are not open to exploring and developing a relationship with both of these people who, sounds like, are in a committed partnership then you shouldn’t get involved. Openness and sharing are important pillars of any poly relationship.

    That said, as an internet stranger I vote you explore building a poly relationship with both these people since you are in love with one. Love is always worth pursuing. Good luck to you!

  79. First of all, implement the 180 and gray rock method.

    The financial support for her should stop immediately.

    You will need a lawyer to deal with the house and ask them how you can legally leverage the HR angle in your negotiations.

    She has shown her true colors and is acting horrible. That relationship will crash and burn, and she will then start begging to come back.

    Sending strength!

  80. Drug addicts are always needing help but you shouldn’t be the one helping them. That’s called enabling. They need to first decide to help themself.

  81. This is less of a girlfriend problem and more of your parents issue. They’re racist. Accept that. Honestly I agree with her, if my parents treated my wife that way I’d cut them from my life as well. I sure as hell wouldn’t want my kids around them. What horrible shit would they say about them behind your back? You know your parents better than anyone, how do they speak about people outside your culture? Your kids will be excluded as well.

  82. What good would come of telling him? If he's already controlling, that's bound to make it 10 times worse.

    If you were in a couples therapy setting, maybe, but just telling him? How do you see that playing out?

  83. Wife has a bad view on being a stepparent.

    Go for the divorce, before they expect you to pay for college and their weddings.

  84. Depending on location, planting may not be an option. Just look at the red States and what recently happened with Walgreens

  85. Your wife should always take priority over your brother in law! If you don’t tell her, prepare for your relationship to take a huge hit and possibly end.

  86. Just break up with her and go NC. Staying in contact with you will make it harder for her to move on. She is resilient and will go on to find her happiness. Dragging it along is not going to be helpful. All it does is stroke your ego.

    Mourning her parents will be a lifetime. Mourning her relationship with you a short time. Break it off now. Let her move on.

  87. Vasectomies are a small, local anesthesia procedure. You'll be out in an hour or two, only some mild discomfort for a week or less.

    Hystorectomy is way more invasive.

    So yeah, if she wants you to have that as a sign of your commitment, then why not?

    Do you want more kids or do you want to not scare of someone new?

    Make up your mind first.

  88. Is he watching videos on his phone while he's strangling cyclops or is he going off of pure imagination?


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