Sexy-horny-milf1 online webcams for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Sexy-horny-milf1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. This is the answer. Everybody is entitled to their likes and wants. Personally, I can't stand septum piercings, but the eyebrow ones I think are cute.

    His reaction to it is very unreasonable. He can not like it, but to come at you like that is ridiculous.

  2. You tell him it's over and you block him. Tell your friends it's over too and not to pass any messages to you.

  3. I'm not sure what you want anyone to tell you. This is the outcome you accepted the moment you chose to entertain Max. Any other mature, reasonable adult, especially *parent* would have heard Max's confession and brushed it off as innocent infatuation and put A TON of boundaries in place. But by your own admission you took it seriously and slept with the guy in less than an hour. I'm convinced you'd have done the same and married ANY guy that showed you any amount of interest at all. You chose the 1 person that would cost you your son and you did it without any regard to his feelings. Now you're married, you have a child with the guy. Did you expect that to change anything for your son? Does that validate things somehow? Are your son's feelings supposed to magically disappear upon learning there's a child in the mix? Do you understand how predatory and careless you look no matter what in this scenario?

    Op, I wish you and your family a lifetime of healing therapy, probably should address your self-worth issues, your lack of boundaries and try your best to enjoy the family you sacrificed your son for. Please do different for your daughter.

  4. Its Facebook.Odds are you reached out and friended endless people you dont know. Nothing to lose reaching out to someone you do actually know. Careful though, your middle school crush may not be the person you remember.


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