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10 thoughts on “Aya the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. No normal decent partner who thinks you are there equal would ever dream of taking you while you were unconscious? Do you not see how wrong that is? I'd at the very least leave him immediately.

  2. Uncomfortable conversations are necessary in relationships sometimes. Being direct is the best way to handle stuff.

  3. I'm so heartbroken I don't know what to do with myself or if there is anything i can do to show her she's making a huge mistake.

    Trying to convince her to stay would be YOU making a huge mistake. I know it's difficult to see this right now because you're hurting, but anyone that would throw away what you have so easily is not a good partner and there's no future with them. Even if you managed to talk her out of just tossing you aside for this new guy, what happens the next time she meets someone? Are you really interested in a long term committed relationship with somewhere where you have to play Dick Goalie and constantly be protecting the net from any other random dude that wanders in to her field of vision?

    If she's this unreliable and unfaithful, let her go and consider it a bullet dodged. I'm struck by how completely shameless she is about this; you're living together, and she just casually tells you that she plans on pursuing a relationship with another guy? She's not the one, my man. Write her off.

  4. You’re welcome. Again, I get being worried and scared of lifelong regrets. However, you just wrote “a woman I don’t really love” which suggests you do not love your wife at this point. That’s not fair to her to lead her to believe that she is your person if she isn’t. If you do not actually love your wife and feel nothing for her aside of commitment…then it’s probably best you swallow your pride of a failed commitment, your fear of judgement from your family and her own, worry over religious beliefs (if those exist for you), financial fear, fear of hurting her, and whatever else is holding you back from making the decision you keep returning to with subtle statements and do what is best.

    Once again…not saying leave your wife! I don’t know either of you, but I will say if I was married and found out my husband was falling in love with another woman (whether it was one sided or not), I’d be devastated and would want him to be honest with himself and me. I wouldn’t want a man to put on a smile and pretend to be a great husband to me just cause he knows how to act like one. Anyone can pretend to be in a happy marriage, but a real marriage takes work and nude conversations. To fake a smile and bring her flowers, make her dinner, and wonder about another lady makes it an act and not genuine. Even if you don’t mean for it to be (which I am gathering you don’t mean for it to be) it is selfish to keep a wife around in your life just because you wanna play house with her and hold your commitment to her when you are readily able to admit you may not love her on an anonymous platform. That’s very honest of you, which is admirable even if it’s a hard and shit thing to admit to yourself, but yeah I mean if that’s your reality then it is what it is and time to navigate what to do about it.

    I will say my very candid opinion in any marriage is I find that people often say they made a commitment and can never leave their partner no matter what happens…even if they have to sit in misery forever. And I perceive that as them thinking that is the admirable thing to say and do since they took vows. While I don’t judge that and understand it, cause marriage is nude I have no doubt and there is history there, I do believe it’s far more admirable to admit when a marriage isn’t working and when they do something about it. That’s probably the hardest thing a person could ever do…starting over. We are all human and flawed.

    So as mentioned in my previous comments…fear or not, do you want to water your grass or cut it? Could you fall back in love with this woman you chose to commit to?

    Once again reaaaaaaaallllllly wanna make it clear that I’m in no way, shape, or form encouraging you to leave your wife. That’s a very personal decision that should not be taken lightly. I really think you should go to counseling because I’m sure there’s a lot us Reddit users on here do not know about the intricacies of your life and your home life. Please find someone to talk to, who’s a professional and an expert, who can help you talk through these complex feelings and fears. And please be as candid as possible with them to decipher whether or not you’re going through a rough patch in your marriage or if you truly don’t love her. There’s a huge difference and it’s easy to say things you may not mean when you face hardships. Matters of the heart are never easy and very rarely are in tune with matters of the mind.

    You’ll be okay! This is not an easy decision and should not be an over night one. So start easy, be kind to yourself, and figure out where your head is really at.

  5. He shouldn't have said he was OK to watch the kids.

    There is a possibility he didn't want to disappoint his wife as things are likely already very tense in that house. Also a possibility there would have been yelling due to said tension. This is why people inside a marriage should not reach out for advice from anyone outside of said marriage, especially the internet.

  6. Your husband chose not to be tolerant toward this situation and expressed his opinion strait forward. Hi is not of those who are just fine with it and tells the truth. Facts are bigger than feelings. Hi is just like this.


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