21 y.o Mila, ❤️20 y.o Gary ? https://fans.ly/r/PlayWithMil the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Live Live Sex Chat rooms 21 y.o Mila, ❤️20 y.o Gary ? https://fans.ly/r/PlayWithMil

21 y.o Mila, ❤️20 y.o Gary ? https://fans.ly/r/PlayWithMil live! sex chat

32 thoughts on “21 y.o Mila, ❤️20 y.o Gary ? https://fans.ly/r/PlayWithMil the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Also her timeline is all over the place. Either this is fully made up, or in an attempt to anonymize it, OP failed miserably (I’m thinking based on her replies here that she wouldn’t actually think to anonymize details though, so…).

  2. I hope it helps!

    As far as not hurting your partner’s feelings goes, that’s tough. You mentioned brother’s views othering your partner, and that’s a cold fact about this kind of “opinion”. I think what helps me is when my friends and family go to bat for me, they don’t tell me. If I ask, they’ll paraphrase (“oh, brother said some ick stuff, but we’re talking it through and I think it’s getting through.”) I know what you both really want is for your brother to change, and again, not impossible, but priority one always has to be partner. Brother’s learning is important, but never at the expense of the trans people living around him.

  3. Both working doesn’t exclude her from being the primary care giver. In my profession I see a lot of family dynamics, the mother is the primary care giver in 29/30 families I see. Even when both parents are working full time jobs it’s usually the mom.

  4. He promised that he would stop and blocked her on everything. That was two years ago

    Here is the thing though – since I’ve been staying at a friend’s house, he has made every attempt to salvage our marriage. He says he’s blocked her on all social media accounts as well as blocking her number.

    He has clearly demonstrated that his promises mean nothing. After all, he promised two years ago to block her, and then he drastically escalated the affair by lying and flying out to her and flying her to him. What would you tell your best friend if she told this to you?

  5. He really doesn't sound like he's worth the effort of going to therapy. He doesn't want to change and knows that cheating is wrong but he knows he can get away with it. If you can't move back home soon look into saving up and finding an apartment. You don't owe him sex ever. Take this as an opportunity to change your life and decide what would make you really happy.

  6. She must see you as a wallet. No way she is being reasonable. If she wants to feel like a big shot maybe save up or make sure she has funds to pay. This is ridiculous.

  7. No, that’s bullshit. He knows exactly what she’s doing, he just tolerates it because for some reason he still wants to be a part of this shitty friend group, and his wife is still queen bee. The mystery here is why you still want to be friends with people who are so shitty to your wife. It isn’t all Sarah’s fault – they’re grown ass adults with agency. You choose to continue to associate with them. I’d move on.

  8. Man you are putting to much though into this. I promise you. Im speaking from experience here. You don’t need people like this in your life. They have the logic of “well they didn’t do it to me so” People think friends are nude to come by, they aren’t. Join any rec league. Go to any bar. Do pretty much anything in a group and you’ll find some people.

    Shit one of my closest friends the last few months. I met because I was talking shit about his football team when it was playing and we started bantering back and forth.

    I actually don’t like confrontation to much so if you can pull it off a silent break up is much more beneficial. Let them know “I see where you stand in this, how disappointing” and then just stop talking to them. When they invite you out just say no thanks I’ve got plans doing xyz.

    They’ll get the hint.

  9. Do what you wanna do. You’re young, you don’t owe him anything.

    You’ve already tried to reassure him, but his insecurity is too much.

    Don’t limit your life because of his limitations. Go out there, grow, and you’ll find someone else eventually.

  10. Makes money by illegal activity and is abusive – stopped reading there. Dump him. Don’t get dragged down by this guy.

  11. He is not my bf yet. And I didn't say mine is cool. I said he is listening and is obsessed with his dad's taste of music. Don't comment if u don't wanna read a post completely please.

  12. Regardless of his religion, this tells you that he will push blame onto others (in this case you) and he will direct his self-hatred/anger onto others rather than take responsibility for his actions.

    If you were to ever marry and someone “tempted” him, it would NOT be his fault if he cheats because he can blame someone else.

    I’d break up now, you are better alone so you don’t carry blame for the both of you. Then, you may find someone who will own their behavior and specially who will speak up about their sexual boundaries.

  13. Ugh, so hot. Because he tells me everything is fine and he makes time for me, etc. still tells me I love you. But yeah you’re right, it’s hot because then I have those doubts again and then I don’t see him and then it makes me anxiety and doubts worse when in fact we’re just in that normal part of a relationship of “early attachment” where we’re not constantly being in love and being so PDA all the time.

    I do have friends and hobbies and school! It’s just really nude lol.

  14. Sorry, I don't understand. At 6 weeks of being pregnant she miscarried? And then flipped out? Has she been evaluated for mental health issues?

  15. It sounds like Jake has had a rough time but he also sounds like a bit of an ass. He made up a massive lie expecting it to work till presumably several decades of marriage with Sadie, hoping you’d somehow just go with it?

    Yeah no you’re 100% in the right, could’ve handled it slightly better but you went with what’s right and that’s admirable.

  16. I can’t possibly be reading this correctly. You moved in after a few months and then tried for kids at 5 months???

  17. Yes, obviously you should not date a man with a child when you don't like children, and he should have never moved you into his house with his child when you don't like children. That is super unfair to his daughter to have to on-line with a woman who doesn't like her and doesn't want to be around her.

    There are plenty of Childfree men in the world, date them.

  18. So…who wanted the break? You are perfectly in your rights to have thoughts and feelings about it. Don't go into the what if questions. Who knows what would have happened, and this situation is really not about you or what you did or didn't do. It was completely out of your sphere of contol or influence. I would talk to your own therapist about if you should bring it up in couples couns3ling. Has she completely shut this person off? Is there any communications with them?

  19. If you had already talked to her about them and saw no sign of improvement, I'd say breaking up was for the better. If you hadn't discussed it at all first then maybe you pulled the trigger too fast.

    Personally I think both of those are dealbreakers but I understand that loving the person makes it hot to leave.

  20. A 30 year old female still going out and partying 2-3 times a week is unhealthy IMO. Sounds like she either gets her act together or this relationship is on it’s last legs.

  21. Wait I thought the dowry went the other way usually; that you have to pay the groom to take the woman off your hands.

  22. Naah the sex of the reproductive organ doesn’t matter. I actually like using curse words that are stereotypically used for men on women and for women on men. It throws people way more

  23. M is complete Trash!!!! Totally enables and excuses child sexual abuse then plays the victim when reality is brought to the table. This woman is Sick AF and if I were you, OP, I would leave that trash on the curb. Your “friend” is disgusting.


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