I NEED A DADDY TO MAKE ME CUM live sex cams for YOU!

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33 thoughts on “I NEED A DADDY TO MAKE ME CUM live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Listen to your doctor.

    Your boyfriend said that he read blah blah blah about these drugs. Where exactly did he go to medical school? Where did he do all this testing on this drug? He didn't.

    I can go on-line and find tons of articles about how the earth is flat. Should I believe that just because I read it? You can go online and find articles about anything you want. How birds are all drones. How vaccine have tracking chicps in them. How drinking water is bad for you. How beating your wife is a good thing. Just because it's live doesn't make it true.

    You can talk to your doctors about trying different drugs. But listen to your doctors, not Dr.readitofftheinternetboyfriend.

  2. 5.75 inches is slightly above average.

    Fr!!! From the title I though OP was going to say he’s much smaller and has trouble with certain positions, like people with actually smaller penises do.

    OP, first of all your gf is straight up wrong. Tell her if she has a giant cock fetish then she can go and seek that out on her own. If she’s only seen porn, that would explain why she thinks you’re “small,” because porn misrepresents both women and men’s bodies.

    Second of all, even if you were small, this person is just not a good partner. Plenty of women out there are so happy with their men regardless of their penis size. For most women, penetration isn’t the end all be all either. The majority of women literally can’t orgasm from penetration alone, so penis size matters far less than many people think it does.

  3. I mean, he's a dumb-ass for getting all worked up about not noticing and accusing you of lying. You have no responsibility to tell anyone that you had a boob job. He sounds like a fucking dork. Maybe time to move on if he can't get over himself. If he hasn't just left you yet he's not being sincere and is just trying to use your “lie” to manipulate you into submitting to his cry-baby bullshit.

  4. You consult with a divorce lawyer and get your affairs in order. Find out how the laws deal with separation of accommodations and estate.

    Afterwards get your affairs in order. If you need to find a place to stay or something then get it prepared. And once you figure it out then give her the paper work, tell her you’re divorcing her.

    Regardless of she accepts your decision or not – that’s not for you to handle. If she needs to discuss about the division of assets she can talk to your lawyer about it. As much as you feel obligated/responsible to figure things out for her – don’t. She’s capable enough to look for people to help her out. If you keep stepping in and trying to solve her issues she’s not going to take the divorce seriously. The most you should do is request someone to a welfare check since it seems like you’re easily influenced by the damsel in distress situation.

  5. “I believe it’s important for couples” in belief we would come up with a compromise. But she took it badly and judged me for wanting it like its my only intention of being with her.

    Yeah I think this makes her a nutjob, getting angry with your partner for saying they think sex is important for couples shows she has the maturity level of a lemon, and will lash out like a child instead of having civil conversation.

  6. It's probably a joke if he is making that much more, but none the less it's time to talk to your man OP, finances are one of the leading cause for divorce so have a sit down and reassess the situation so that you are both happy about it.

  7. started yelling at me that I was disgusting

    You're only dating.

    She just ended it. You've already accepted way more than I ever would from someone I had just started seeing. You're seeing her true colors. You've done the hard part. Just move on.

    Now she is blowing up my phone.

    Send her one text. Something like: “it's clear we are incompatible and I'm not interested in continuing a relationship with you. Thank you for the time we've had together. Please don't contact me again.”

    Then block her on everything and just move forward. Not sure what happened in past relationships, but no way can you tolerate this from someone you've been seeing for six weeks.

  8. You don’t just online at home… you’re babied at home. You don’t contribute at all. For anything. Paying for your own car is hardly the epitome of being an adult. Your girlfriend is absolutely right to be judging you. You can’t even book your own doctor’s appointment and you don’t know how much toilet paper costs??

  9. So, I have a fiancĂ© and there is NO man I speak to on the daily or hide message alerts from. Knowing that, it sounds like he's probably hiding his texts with your gf from his fiancee. They were only friends for two months almost a decade ago? What on Earth would possibly prompt them to kindle this sort of “friendship” right now?? Would you behave this way if you found an engaged former friend from HS?

  10. You need to get out, that is abuse. There is never a good reason to spit in your partner’s face. No matter how mad she was there is no excuse.

    This kind of behavior doesn’t get better with time. It only gets worse.

  11. I got my BA in child and adolescent development. While there were times I was tempted to take control of something regarding our son's schooling because I “knew more about it” I actually would check myself. My husband's input is just as valuable and important.

  12. Your post lacks a question. As per Rule 2, all posts must feature a question that you want specifically answering. We don't host, rants, vents, letters to other people, poetry, journal entries, hypotheticals or 'what would you do' posts, or reflections on past experiences to give other people lessons.

    We are here for you to ask specific relationship issue with a current relationship you have right now, in this moment.

  13. Dear OP. You do not deserve this treatment at all. From anyone. Especially your husband. This is extreme abuse. Please leave and never look back.

  14. He's practicing urine therapy. You need to address this with him before he goes coocoo off the deep end. The fact that it stopped and then started again is the tell tale sign.

    He can't smell it himself so he thinks you're nose blind to it also and will just put up with it. I don't know what his reasoning could be but that would be your main motivation to ask him, why? And to cut it out.

  15. She probably met someone new she is interested in having sex with, so now she doesn’t feel comfortable having sex with someone who is not that person.

  16. My college girl did this. Immediately cried and apologized. Never happened again. I mean, it was a 17 year unhappy marriage that ended in a devastating divorce… but it still only happened once.

    You gotta talk to her. Might be a fluke or your paranoid brain might be hearing things. But this will eat you up if you don't clear it up.

  17. Well, you haven’t told him that you’re a virgin and I can imagine that with this bit of info….. things would be different.

    You need to tell him about the reason why you’re so hesitant, I can assure you once you do you will know 100% whether you should stay or leave.

  18. This behaviour is a learned behaviour and is very manipulative (even abusive). Life is not black & black and good people can have bad sides to them. Your GF might have experienced some toxic relationships but perhaps you should also consider that she is also quite a toxic individual herself.

    Stop being an enabler. If you don't like this behaviour then don't keep on taking her back everytime she does it. Only take her back after she agrees to go to therapy. Because if you keep on taking her back when she has evidenced no actual change, then you're just asking for another repeat of the same cycle.

    And consider drawing up a boundary and quitting the relationship for good. As you say, you deserve better. Perhaps this lady shouldn't be in a relationship in general right now. Her behaviour is very immature and abnormal for someone of her years.

  19. Wow, to be completely honest in this situation I would write out and e-mail, get all your feelings out and ghost him. What he and his friends did was absolutely horrible, immature, and insensitive. I have a feeling the female friend thinks more of your boyfriend than just a friend. Ghost all of them honestly and move on with your life. So sorry this happened to you.

  20. Yep, depression is tough. It has to be taken care of via professional help. But do you know what a depressed person needs too? A partner who is supportive. It's one of the first questions a therapist ask their patients: do you have a supportive partner? Because a supportive partner helps a lot on the path of recovery. You don't seem to have it in you at all. Even if you hate and despise your wife, you should think about her wellbeing too since, even if you separate, your kids are still going to be exposed to her one way or another. So her wellbeing should matter to you in a way. But all I see here is you writing about yourself. Pointing out what's so better about you compared to your wife. Even when you mention yoru kids, it's all about how better of a parent you are to them and how they listen to you. So again, it's all about you in comparison with that awful woman you once decided to make your wife and the mother of your children. I think you should divorce. You obviously see your wife as some kind of sub human compared to yourself. You might even make her a service by doing so in the long run.

  21. Do they know where you live ? If not block and delete lal your family socials.

    The time they get a private investigator, your kids might finish HS

  22. Definitely accurate, if i ever saw my assaulter again and ik there wouldn't be any legal issues, id love to see my fiance beat the shit out of him for what he did to me, better than nothing ever happening.

  23. Unbothered huh?

    -proceeded and continues to get into spats with internet strangers everytime someone mentions she sounds jealous in her own biased post-


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