Wife (25F) refuses to speak to me (28M) cause “another woman almost made me climax”
7KFuck this is embarrassing. The other woman in question here is the poor lady that was waxing me off. Nothing about it was remotely sexually arousing, sometimes it just has a mind of its own. When I started getting hot she didn’t even blink just smiled casually noticing how horrified I look and said that it happens then carried on with her work. By the time she was finished everything was way too sensitive, I had to barely hold myself back from cumming multiple time during so when she was done I immediately went into the bathroom and got off. Then I made the rookie mistake of sharing this with my wife thinking it’s a dumb story we can both laugh about. I’ll admit I was feeling a bit guilty too even though it was something out of my control which makes it ridiculous.
Now she refuses to talk me and says that it’s technically cheating for another woman to get me nude then for me to get off on it. How do I fix this?
Edit 2: I’d like to tell anyone blaming me and calling me a creep for jerking off in the bathroom to try and drive with a sensitive freshly waxed hard dick in tight jeans. Not comfortable. I had to get off. And also, don’t make this weird, when she smiled it was really out of petty
Did y’all just choose to miss the part where it says the woman was casual about this? lmao what even is this sub? I came here for relationship advice not for y’all to argue with me and judge the situation falsely
It's clearly not “like killing someone”, which is a capitol crime and a threat to public safety. That's fine if you don't have an ounce of concern for your own privacy, but imposing it on others is CREEPY. It would be creepy if men in such a group spoke crassly about women they hooked up with and it's no different with women who do the same.
What about body parts (penises or vulva, unique body details, etc), falsehoods, other private details that are irrelevant to the public? I refuse to believe you have no line in the sand here that can't be crossed without consent.