Thiana-bennett on-line webcams for YOU!

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21 thoughts on “Thiana-bennett on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Preach! Trust is earned — and is very often re-calibrated based on your partner’s words and actions. Some partners are more paranoid than others, but constant communication and re-assurances are important in keeping that trust.

  2. Please don’t stay with her. Picture 20 years from now you find out your child is being hit by their spouse. What would you tell them? Take that advice first so they don’t grow up thinking abuse is normal in a family household

  3. Have had a similar issue. Gave her one chance saying I don't do bullshit drama. We are new to dating and I wouldn't cheat if I wanted to be with anyone else, I'd just end things with you and be with that other person. It's been a month or two, it's not to a point of being that connected. Trust me or don't but never bring this crazy pants drama to me. .A week or two later she did it again. I told her if you don't trust me then no need to be together and just stopped replying. Got a lot of fun messages after that which further showed I did the right thing.

    You will have a similar experience if you stay with this loony toon.

  4. I too think you need therapy, after all he is saying you are still there taking it!!!

    Please follow your nd advice, take care.

  5. I’m so sorry but it’s no less serious than that you’ve been raped. You have been raped. Go to the authorities.

  6. Yes! Tell her and gently explain that if he comes back you’re reporting this to management. Your guilt is unwarranted. You were harassed at work!

  7. As others have said. Trust your gut. It's never steered me wrong. Hope everything works out for you.

  8. You are so unbelievably cowardly and it’s only a matter of time until ALL of your children notice it, if they haven’t already. How can a grown man can stand by and allow his child to be emotionally abused by their stepparent? Please for the love of god, get that vasectomy because you have no business fathering any more children when you can’t even protect the ones you do have.

  9. Fuck. I didn’t want that. I just figured I wouldn’t recognize a neighbour driving by who I haven’t talked too, so why would I recognize him driving by. Ugh ?

  10. Probably because they’ve been together for 7 years? I mean I’m not saying he has to stay with her, but it’s a bit cruel to tell him “why even think about it?”…give the guy a break.

  11. It's okay, give it some time. To me, it sounds like you do want your dad to be happy, and that you've already identified your feelings aren't by any fault of theirs. It sounds like this came as a big shock, and you have difficulty with big emotions, which is okay.

    It's okay to pardon yourself, take a step back, and take some time to sit with those big feelings. They'll run their course. Just don't entertain the feelings of betrayal too much. I can understand why those cropped up, but I don't think there was any significant betrayal here. Maybe you felt like they were navigating your feelings instead of trusting you to handle them, and maybe that hurts. But that doesn't mean they meant to hurt you- I think they were trying to soften the blow of the shock. They were planning on telling you, and that's important too. You matter to them, which is why “how” they told you mattered to them.

    I don't think OP did or said anything to warrant these cruel comments. She was stressed about her missing dog, randomly stumbled upon the new knowledge that her dad was dating, and then had a cry in her car. She didn't avoid him, she didn't lash out, she didn't hurt anyone. Sure, it's been 5 years, but the grief for a parent passing relatively young (probably 50's) after struggling with cancer sounds different than the grief for a parent passing after a long life well lived.

    Maybe she didn't process that Mom is gone because she came back to be there for Dad and centered his feelings. Is death and grief supposed to be rational? None of this screams crazy to me.

  12. Hmm… in this situation, I’d be excited to have someone to learn from. I understand the anxiety point of view, though.

  13. You both sound a but too immature to carry on a relationship at this time.

    So focus on yourself for now.

  14. This isn't very great/specific advice, but if it makes you feel any better I know a couple that had a similar issue and after a few months of trying they figured out how to get it to work. Don't know a lot of details about how because that's super personal but… it's better than the guy that said 6 years, right?

  15. idk….no reply just okay. final update is that I'm writing some classical poetry to overcome.. 日倚云出,鹊歌燕聚,纠草垂首。残岸枯蓬,寒暄雁鹤,泥化当年藕。茗烟烹过,坐熬薏米,沉暗羞寻白昼。荡茫人、无聊拥趸,桥上泪眼凝透。 自危倦怠,珍惜难免,不见光阴厮守。妆上阁楼,空尘满目,凡世情揉皱。缄声狂语,冥修怪乱,但惧识穿长久。梦中遇、孩提时我,年华简陋。


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