Klerio on-line webcams for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “Klerio on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Just call her. Let her know the relationship isn't working out for you. Of course you aren't going to go there for the weekend.

  2. This same exact story from the “girlfriend’s” perspective was just posted yesterday.

  3. The ultimate way to resolve. Let her go as is and hire a PI to follow her and she where she goes and get evidence. Or some other way to be definitive.

  4. Someone asking you if you’d be interested in swinging is not a reason to not trust them. That’s a reason to trust them. They’re talking to you about what they want.

    How exactly did you make the transition from open relationship to monogamous? That feels like important information.

  5. This. She could try and twist it. Best to just screen shot and block. Do not under any circumstances message her

  6. Thank you for typing these and allowing myself to rethink what I am doing. I do understand that she had given me plenty of time to pull myself together. Even though during this period of time, something tragic from my point of view happened that disrupted the relationship, I did want to make a full commitment in late Feb. Sadly, I havent got the chance to say it face to face with this love of mine and the situation just got a whole lot worst all of a sudden.

    I understand what you are saying and I do appreciate that the most logical and respecting thing to do is for me to leave her alone. Barging in right now into her life will probably cause more problems than good. Best thing for me to do is to move on and only ever thought about reigniting the relationship if she ever becomes single again.

    It is unhealthy for myself to get myself stuck in a situation that is self inflicted. Tho I still very much would welcome any suggestions as in how I could get back together with her. Super selfish, I know, but this is just the thought that is flooding my mind right now.

    Agree that I shouldnt have realised how much she meant to me until this late.

  7. She been hitting me up for the past 2 months after I moved on. This is what I was expecting, just had my ego shot down for a minute?. Very sensitive I guess


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