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7 thoughts on “Basilbaby222 live sex cams for YOU!

  1. It's heartbreaking but it's also funny how many people are surprised when their cheater cheats again. Like what did you expect??

  2. Break up with her, it’s okay that she had doubts, but she needed to tell you that, and it also doesn’t sound like she that sorry that your in this position.

    Talk with your friends and look for a new roommate, but take a some time away from her.

  3. Honestly, I think that you two are lacking communication in this area, which is why I think it's important to speak with him.

    What I understand is that you say that the ring is objectively pretty, but it's not “your” ring. It doesn't really fit your style, so to speak. And you also think that your partner knows your style and the like. But even after just reading your answer, I – keep in mind that I don't know you – have the following thoughts when reading it:

    I really don’t think I gave him an overwhelming amount of information […] I think because he told me he spent so much time deciding on the ring leading up to the proposal I didn’t expect it to be the “easy” choice and I guess I got my hopes up.

    Do you know why he spend so much time deciding? We know he considered several rings and, in the end, went with the “easy” choice, though “easy” could be swapped to “safe”. This means that for him, the choice wasn't that easy after all, so I wonder: Are you sure that the information wasn't overwhelming? It may not have been overwhelming for you, but you are the expert when it comes to the topic.

    On top of that, listening to someone about a topic for years does definitely make you more knowledgeable, but it doesn't make you an expert, especially if it's not “your” topic. My father absolutely loves soccer and he talks about it every single time I see him. Because of that, I have gathered a lot of knowledge about players and rules and who is doing well in the competition and who is not… but that doesn't mean that I'm an expert like him. What I like when he talks about soccer isn't the topic, it's that he is happy to have someone who is listening to him. But because it's not “my” topic, I simply don't remember things like him. I don't watch games, I don't look things up. That leads to me recognizing names and remembering facts, but I often can't place names correctly – simply because to me, these things don't matter as much and my brain can't remember them as much. If something isn't “my” topic, I simply would be a lot more lost than someone who is deep into the matter when presented with information. If I would listen to you explaining cuts and stones to me, I might be able to recognize the type of a stone, for example, but I don't think I could tell which one of two stones is the more valuable one when you might be able to do so at first glance.

    Also consider that maybe, he might have associated “different” with “special”. You said diamonds are okay and you seem to otherwise have mostly other stones in your jewelry, so in a way, your ring now is standing out from the crowd.

    What I want to say: We're all just speculating here. Maybe there is a lot more to his thought process. Maybe he was terrified of picking something wrong. Maybe he went for “safe”. Maybe he got a fact wrong and thought that all the diamonds have super-interesting cuts. The thing is: You don't know. Because you haven't talked to him yet, you and all of us are just assuming things about why he chose the ring.

    If you feel so torn about talking to him and letting him know what you feel, maybe start by just asking him about the other choices since he brought them up before. Take a look at them. If they are all not to your taste, you might feel better with the ring you now have and you could then openly ask about his thought process and what information he might have misunderstood. If there are some awesome rings in the lineup, you can express how pretty they are and, again, ask why he picked diamonds over those. None of that immediately says “I would prefer a different ring”. It's just satisfying your curiosity – it's about gathering information to then make a more informed choice. Once you know what thought went into his choice, you might either appreciate your current ring more – or feel like speaking up more.

    I'm sorry if I get anything wrong, by the way (like I thought you meant “anguish” literally). I am not a native speaker and in my country, the engagement ring is also a different ring than the wedding ring, only worn until the wedding, when the couple then gets matching rings. That doesn't seem to be the case in your country, so I might be totally off the mark with many things.

  4. If I understand your somewhat problematic pronouns, you are asking your father to pay you $5000 and in return you'll have a conversation with him, or possibly ongoing conversations.

    He has accepted this and your dilemma is whether or not to honour your agreement.

    If you intend to give the money to your mother in repayment of financial support in the past, that would be a good thing to do.

    At least one conversation with your father on neutral ground might be beneficial for both of you. One's perspective at 34 is often very different than it was at 24. But in any case you're morally bound to fulfil your side of the contract.

    But I'd get the money up front.

  5. I think if your boyfriend is the sort of person who would move your vibrator and hope you notice in order to prompt a conversation, then he isn't ready to be dating because he's not capable of healthy communication, so you should break up with him.

    So, I think your better course for the time being is to assume YOU moved it and forgot (however careful you think you always are with the charger) and get on with life. If you see other evidence that your boyfriend can't communicate, you can break up with him then, and if you don't, then it's not really a big deal that demands you make an issue out of it – or maybe it really was you.

  6. Do not buy a house until you know exactly where MIL will live! and it is not with you. In your position I'd be very sensitive to how my boyfriend reacted to this, because everything here points to a situation where your boyfriend gets to live with his mum and you are allowed to be there too. If he prioritises his mum's wants over yours then you have a problem. If he agrees then get him actively working with his mum to move her out of your current apartment and only then think about buying a home, conditional on his mum not moving in with you again.


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