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9 thoughts on “Mikhi77 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Would she at least consider getting assessed by her GP? Even if she’s not open to counselling right now, medication might help her feel more stable…

  2. I wouldnt approach this with an “i am overthinking this one”. Keep in mind that the very first step to any “possible” cheating is always taken in their mind. The first step is when the idea “hey this might be a good/fun/nice/exciting” thing to do pops up in their mind. This in itself isnt always a problem, but from here on they either take a step back or a step forward.

  3. Tell him the obvious division of labor is that one partner buys the food, the other cooks. So if you buy the food now, he has to cook.

    And if you are both working now, you need a division of labor for household chores, since one person working and doing all the chores is unfair.

    But overall, your husband sounds very controlling, and like he swept you off your feet with lovebombing to lock you into marriage, and now he wants to isolate you from your friends and hobbies, and make you financially dependent on him, before the real abuse starts. I know this sounds very cliché, but it's a cliché for a reason.

  4. When something is a deal breaker but with an potential apology everything is ok, then it's not a deal breaker. Since it's a deal breaker for you and he has repeatedly done it and doesnt apologies, then break up.

  5. Dude is posting on seven different subs until he finds comments that he can agree with. He had already decided the cheating wasn't a big deal before posting because it was with a woman. So there's no chance of him tossing her cheating ass out. He's whipped.

  6. Really isn’t enough information to give any sort of answer. Anyone who claims otherwise is just projecting their own shit onto you or speculating thinking they’re Sherlock Holmes. If it’s really bothering you. Just say to him “hey I noticed you I unfriended your ex on Facebook. You didn’t have to do that for my sake you know?” And see what he says. If he acts weird about it maybe there’s something to be suspicious about it. But if not you kinda just have to move on. I personally Don’t think this information alone is some sort of smoking gun.


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