How to approach this situation I (30F) and speaking with this guy (32M) who would like to meet, is it too soon?

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Im trying to take things slow and recently started talking to someone I met off a dating app its been almost 3 weeks. Ive exchanged just 2 pictures while he has sent be several. He has been nice in texting me everyday good morning and goodnight (I never asked for this but he's just does this) He has been frequently asking to meet. I advise I am not ready and he says thats fine but wants to meet someday soon. I just feel like if he's in a rush to meet then he's not that serious. Also he started sending hearts like within a week so idk. He's a nerd but I feel like he's one of those stealth players. I just want to know if I am being unreasonable or stringing him along. When is an appropriate time to meet? I have also been avoiding calls with him. I guess I dont really want to meet him because I feel like he will lose interest once we meet idk and I am really lonely right now I like the comfort of talking to someone like I use to

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16 thoughts on “How to approach this situation I (30F) and speaking with this guy (32M) who would like to meet, is it too soon?

  1. By start and stop, I mean if we start making out it always leads to sex because it turns him on a lot (it does for me too, but I need a bit more warm-up than he does) so often he's been frustrated because I'll be making out with him (which I LOVE but it's a turn off when there's an expectation for more), but then I might say no when he asks if I feel like having sex.

    I completely get that lack of sex is frustrating – but, for two people who don't live together, is once a day/every two days really a “lack of sex”? I feel like we'd have MORE sex if this wasn't an issue

  2. I think this is too much for you to take on as your problem. Just see them less. Less conflict in your life. They are old enough to foresee how this impacts you.

  3. Dude if you leave for a better orgasm you will be empty and sad down the road. Maybe you need therapy but do not get into the sharing is caring because one day it’s gonna blow up. There was an old cable show where a couple was asked what the secret of being married for 50 years was, the wife answered very simply we never fell out of love with each other at the same time

  4. Your boyfriend would rather you sit uncomfortably in wet muddy clothes than let his dumb ego and unfounded insecurities take over. That's all I'm getting from this

  5. Negging is truly the sign of a misogynist, and seems to be a very common tactic when older men try to keep younger women. Start doing it to him. Complain about his penis – the size, the shape, the colour. Tell him it’s just an objective fact. Then find yourself a man who doesn’t try to push you down in order to convince you that you can’t do better than him. Because you can. And should.

  6. I’m worried about your common sense if you can’t read between the lines. He’s worried ya’ll going to have sex and he’s absolutely right. Teenagers do dumb shit.

  7. Yeah, I tried to point that out. She said that I only visit my kids one or two times a month each, whereas she plans to visit one or two times a week. This is true, my son is busy with his life and my daughter's family is constantly busy with four kids. When school ends, that will change. I do want to increase my time with them. I'm not a babysitter type, especially with the autistic kids, I fear I might not have all the tools if something were to happen. But, maybe with more time spent with them I could learn some of that.

    Yeah, I really love where I online, it feels home to me. It's not a super big city, only around 200,000 people plus surrounding suburbs.

    Thanks for your reply!

  8. I cannot believe people actually say stuff like this to people they supposedly love. That's crazy. My bf is so extremely cute to me even with his back acne I love to pop and his musty pits lol ? now thats love right there.

  9. No one wants to remember the bad things about a deceased loved one so over time you only reinforce the good things, and suddenly they are preserved in amber. You said in another comment that your deceased husband is the that's set, well that's going to be near impossible for any man to pass if that is your metric. Just some food for thought.

    Also, if this is the same ex as in your older posts, I'd say good riddance.

  10. Why on earth are you considering marriage as an option when your relationship is floundering? That is absurd. That won’t fix anything matey.

  11. He believes he's getting dick in his mouth and believes it would make him gay. But he would get mad if you didn't kiss him after whistling in the wheat field.

  12. Not crazy at all OP. She might just as well have packed her suitcase full of red flags. This is either an ex or someone she has the hots for at home. Or, she could be combining her home trip with meeting up with one of her work colleagues there. She’s geared up so is obviously planning for a ‘busy’ trip.

    If you can afford it, a PI will confirm what is going on and will provide you with gift wrapped evidence. You could busy yourself with trying to retrieve deleted messages from her email. Your wife would appear to have checked out of your relationship. This is your big chance to mail it. Don’t miss this. Good luck.

  13. Your wife is part of your wife that brings you joy and if you want to tell about something meaningful in your life you simply can not omit mentioning her.

    It is just not the case for your friends. Pity them, but in silence, as bringing it up, would antagonise them potentially forever.


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