Fire-girls live webcams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “Fire-girls live webcams for YOU!

  1. Sometimes it can be the right person and the wrong time. That’s okay.

    But it’s only been a month, and if you’re posting here … you already know what you feel is most important.

  2. Whether it’s comphet or you actually are 10% into men, you are clearly 0% into your bf and should break up.

  3. Well.. wish I had something good to say. I feel like the “fun” part of casual sex seems to be, to some people, something they can continue doing even if they find the stability of an actual relationship. Some people will be in a relationship, and then continue the “fun” casual sex as if they are single. They just hide the “fun” part as well as they can, until there's a crack in the plan and the stable relationship partner finds out, usually by accident, as the cheater may be very good with lying and concealing. I honestly don't know why these people choose to enter relationships with this mindset. It's purely selfish and self serving, which says so much about them. They are inherently selfish people. Narcissists. They probably don't think they are, but good people don't fuck other people for fun when they are in committed relationships. There's something wrong with them, and they don't know how to love. They may even be able to “feel” and be good in other parts of their lives, but they are entirely willing to disregard your feelings for pleasure, and that is a very deep character defect that has very little to do with you, and so much to do with them. They are flawed beyond redemption, so they believe, and they fill the void with attention and sex. The sad part is that it lessens with age, so their standards fall, and so does their self esteem. So they seek attention and sex where they can. If you have a good team on your side, friends and family, then consider life without them. This kind of thing can eat at your soul, if you allow it. Have a conversation with her. Be honest. See how she reacts. It will tell you as much as you need to know in some way or another. Trust your gut. Not every cheater is a narcissist, some have deep character flaws and never think they are good enough, so they seek out temporary feelings of acceptance and desire. But in order to find the difference, it requires a great deal of faith, and a lot of time struggling with your own self worth and confidence, and there's no time limit for that. It might take a lifetime to feel a modicum of confidence again after such a thing. So, if you're still young, don't waste time trying to figure it out.


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