Melissa-love-you on-line sex chats for YOU!

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29 thoughts on “Melissa-love-you on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Whatever you do, don’t let him “help” you run your business and do not put his name on it.

  2. It's not “fair” to pay more, no. Unless you wanted to live somewhere more expensive, or simply agreed to pay more. But it shouldn't be expected of you.

  3. If she's paying half the mortgage she should have half the equity. Your not paying back a loan. Your taking an advance on your inheritance.. you arnt losing any money on your down payment. Since your giving the money back, what your parents are allowing you to do is have an advance on money you are returning for a lower overall monthly payment. What your saying is you essentially want a greater share of the value of the property even though you arnt bearing any costs. Unless your the one planning to fuck her over, that money would be half hers too once you inherit it.

  4. For me it depends on the age and stage of life of the young person, a 30 year old dating a 45 year old is whatever, but a 30 year old dating a 15 year old would be fucked up, even when the age gap is 15 years in both cases.

    At 25 years old I think you have a bit more experience and know yourself enough to pursue a relationship with an older person if that’s what you want. Of course it depends on the dynamic of the relationship and other things if it’ll work out or not. People will still judge you of course, so you have to be ready for that.

  5. Sure bud, go kill the rock your kid tripped over, or the play set they accidentally ran into.

    Kids getting hurt is life. Get a grip.

  6. You just dictated to me before that why OP listed those things. The contrast, not superficiality. And now you're saying you could be wrong and biased? Okayyy. Cool. Thanks.

  7. Don't homewreck! Think of those children & this tight community you're so happy with & want to settle in!!

  8. I'm bawling! Thank you for your comment. I have never been able to put into words how to justify my feelings. When I started working after my youngest went to school, I still did everything, and no application. 7 yeara later, I still am. Maybe he makes dinner a couple yimes a month, but usually makes my/our job harder by not enforcing what I have said needs to be done before I get home. Our house is a ball of stress, randomly rupturing, and so hard to keep together. I love my kids, but find myself really needing to have that human interaction after work so I can feel real again

  9. Dear lord. And you married this piece of work. Are you SURE you didn't realize he was a pig BEFORE the wedding day?

  10. Imagine asking internet strangers for advice then being upset at their responses and telling them they all need therapy. Try not to break a promise to your wife again. Lol

  11. Whenever I ask him on what I can do. He tells me just me talking to him helps

    Just do that. Try to push normalcy since it sounds like that is what helps.

  12. Wow. Sounds like your bf cares more for his ex than he does for you.

    I’d move out and find my own place if I were you because your house is no longer your home.

    Whether you decide to stay together is up to you, but the fact that your bf let his ex abuse you, stalk you and attempt to blackmail you with revenge porn (illegal) tells me he doesn’t give a fuck about you. You should have gone to the cops when he threatened the video.

  13. Intent is very important. But being demeaning and rude, telling your partner to shut up, cannot really come from a place of warmth and care, can it? If not mean spirited, what would it be?

  14. I am so sorry, that had to have hurt…. but just give him some more time. Some people tell everyone they love them easily and others use it sparingly. Maybe he is just not ready… or maybe he wanted to be the one to say it first. Who knows… but you say everything else is great and it was his idea to be exclusive so I don't see any red flags. I would suggest trying to let it go for now and see what happens. It sounds like things are moving in the right direction.

  15. I don’t see how he could still be friends with a cheater. You might want to rethink your relationship.

  16. If he’s that grossed out by a uti he has no business having sex. Wait until he learns about periods.

  17. If shes that emotionally weak that she can get played tand manipulated than she needs to fix herself before marrying anybody.

  18. Best answer from all. is probably that if any.

    I still don't think that was flirting.. is kinda silly. my mistake was telling her. i should have done like 90% people commenting here

    Thank you

  19. I could not just have a man move into my home. If he wanted you seriously, he’d be married to you. Y’all are roommates til he finds the one he wants to commit to and you sound like a doormat to him. If he was gonna man up he’d have a home for y’all, he’d be committing to you but just sounds like you’re a place holder. Men are creatures that chase down what they want and hold onto it before the next man tries to snatch it up. Sorry :/

  20. This. If she thought there was a problem with the relationship, talking with you should have been her first move. Leave. And congrats on graduating.

  21. I can think of plenty of scenarios where I go out and socialize without my husband. That's not what this is about though. This is about having a choice between 20 people I kinda know and 20 people I kinda know plus my best friend at my primary birthday celebration. No practical concerns, just a choice between having them there or them waiting at home.

    I like a “girls night” sometimes. Personally, I would prefer not to have one on the day of my actual birthday because I want to spend it with the most important person in my life.


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