Alison-Lamba online sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Alison-Lamba online sex chats for YOU!

  1. IMO marriage (or even just agreeing to date) in itself is sort of signing a contract that you'll both treat each other well.

  2. Make sure it's legal to record without her knowledge in your state. Good luck, I wish you and the kids the best.

  3. You are not scummy. This is terrifying. Knowing that any kids you have with her would be on the same roulette wheel of mental illness and life would be one long waiting game to see if fate would ever call their number? Unbearable.

    She doesnโ€™t want to take medication for the rest of her life, but she has a permanent illness. I think that in your heart, you already know this is not going to end well.

    You are allowed to walk away. You are allowed to have a life without this kind of uncertainty.

  4. You were never ok.

    Could never be.

    And your GP was one of the few people around you to be sensible.

    The loss of a child is something one seldom gets over or “is ok with”.

    You strongly have overestimated your own capacities.

    And this is how it now turned out.

    I am strong as an oak. But under such conditions I would have kicked them all out months ago.

    Feel hugged. Luckily your MOH has your back.


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