Nastyylondon live sex chats for YOU!

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in the pizza spot 2 tkns to make lush active!!! … play w/ my pussy while i make drop offs

12 thoughts on “Nastyylondon live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Not only is it disrespectful to ask someone you've just been sleeping with to do your laundry, it is a complete obliteration of boundaries to ask someone you never see during the day for a key to their house.

    That is actually scary.

    She says “no,” and not only does he ask again, but he escalates the requests (cooking, cleaning, keys). This is a continual assault on reasonable boundaries, and it is not acceptable, even if he was her boyfriend.

  2. Hire someone to help with the housework. You handle the little day to day stuff like dishes and have them come in once a week and do bathrooms, mop and dust.

  3. I would not be comfortable with him earing lunch with her. That is beyond disrespectful to you and your marriage. As far as the party? After only finding out about this a month ago? Not a chance in hell. That's not even enough time for you to fitler your through your thoughts and emotions.

    Do not attend this party. Your spouse should plan something that night for the two of you. Something that bonds you together. He is being an inconsiderate ass. He should be looking for another job. Because every day that he leaves for work. You'll be thinking about the two of them together. That's a normal reaction to exposing an affair. His reactions are not normal for wanting to save a marriage. You and your marriage should be first and foremost always.

    His complaints and excuses need to stop. He needs to think about you and what he did to you. It sounds like he's just waiting for you to get over it. That will never work. He needs to work towards fixing what he destroyed. And, yes, destroyed is the correct word if he's reading this.

  4. You need to communicate clearly with her and get on the same page. I’d do this over phone or in person. You can say that your involvement puts your job in jeopardy, and that you’re sorry but you don’t think you should continue a non-professional relationship.

  5. Lol good on you for being all healthy and adult about your ex. I don’t know that I have that much maturity in me.

  6. Wow in 6 months…you found you do not love together well…move out…be done.

    Wow…you saved kitties and she is mad…just wow…

  7. That is an excellent post. We see too many people show up on this sub with their relationship circling the drain due to some monogamous partner trying to high pressure the other into polyamory, or open relationships. Most of the time the partner poorly researched either types, and did not take into any consideration the work and trust level that is needed, etc. And those that think this is going to fix the problems in their relationship are in for a rude awakening.

  8. Well wouldn't that be nice, move in with someone, don't pay a penny, don't save for a down payment…. get half the property.

    What an offer!

    I think what she's looking for is a hand out and she's utterly unrealistic. You might offer to let her buy her way to half, down payment plus matching principle payments until now, pays half the mortgage going forward. Of course she won't be able to afford that.

    She probably has tons of debt, that's why she can't buy a place of her own. At least now you know what she's looking for, some guy to put her on the life track her decisions have previously prevented her from enjoying.

  9. In all fairness I can't fully remember which of us slept in the floor I just assumed it was me this was about a decade ago now! I was a consummate camper though so it wouldn't have phased me!


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