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Legal Loli (, 19 y.o.


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9 thoughts on “Legal Loli ( the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If you want to keep seeing him, the dates need to be outside of a home. I always say 90 days before sex, that is also dating time. Dates should not be at anyones home. But honestly he sounds pretty dang aggressive, and not really sticking to his words. I really don’t know if I’d continue with him after a night like that.

  2. Not sure what all this “up-vote”/”down vote” is all about.

    I DO know that public approval and acceptance are Highly over-rated.

    My faith is in Allah (swt) who is Most Merciful and Most Just and His

    judgement of me is all I really care about.

    Just sayin…….

  3. Two things: first thing tomorrow, call your doctor and if you don't have a doctor, call your county health agency. Tell them that you're sick and not able to care for yourself and ask them what resources are available. There might be a women's shelter that can help.

    Second thing, this is a major relationship issue. This partner is not taking care of you. He's a shitty partner. This is an example of how things are going to be when things get rough in the future. I'm not suggesting that you leave this person, but you clearly can't count on him. Get yourself through this crisis, and then re-evaluate whether he's worth your time.

  4. Unfortunately, paying for things doesn’t really equate to show love and emotional support. It’s naked to say she’s being spoiled when it sounds like she’s reacting out of a place of unnamed hurt. Her reactions are unreasonable, but she likely doesn’t know how to process what she’s feeling, or what the actual source of her pain is. It’s definitely tricky, and I think she and her father should give each other more grace. But as a father, he is responsible for ensuring all his kids feel equally loved.

  5. He hasn't ghosted or blocked you, so that's a good sign. You should consider his relationship history, the more virginal a guy is, the weirder they act when confronted with romantic feelings. Even if he's been in one or two relationships before, he may not still know how to act.

    I've been in in 50+ relationships with 3-4 being very serious and now I'm married. But I would still consider myself largely gynophobic, and women, especially women I don't know are very scary for me to talk to. I know ways to work around my short comings so it isn't very obvious, but I used to lock up at a positive reception to a simple hello.

    When he says he doesn't know what to say, he may actually not know what he needs to say. Men primarily think in terms of logic and that makes navigating emotion-first relationships very difficult. He might like you, but, would not want to say he likes you until he has had an experience that allows him to confirm that he actually likes you. I used to be like that.

    All we can say for sure based on your story from your perspective is that he has a very big social awkwardness angle, which is obscuring how he may have preferred to handle that situation.

    The best way for you to proceed is to assess yourself and feel out how forward you consider yourself.

    You may need to take the initiative to ignite this potential relationship.

    You could ask him on a date, but, if you expect him to take control from there, he may not and it might be a wash.

    You could ask him if he wants to get together to watch a movie in a intimate setting, but, if that's not how you operate I wouldn't want to push you to do that, but promoting general touching in a private setting is usually your best bet to get a man to feel safe enough to take a chance. Even starting off with something as little as hand holding, or laying your head on his shoulder could start something, once you feel comfortable enough you could ask for a kiss, a lot of guys, especially in today's climate are afraid to misread signals and take things too far and either ruin a relationship, or, possibly be accused of doing something bad.

    Ultimately, there's nothing wrong with being forward, especially if you're a girl in today's climate. So, you don't need to paw at him or encourage him to paw at you, but just be close, make a comfortable amount of physical contact, and don't be afraid to shift around because sometimes guys can get locked into place and forget what the point of the date is.

    Maybe this level of interaction is more advanced than what you are comfortable with, and if so, don't feel bad about that. I've had more experience than most and a lot of my experience is based on one night stands more so than trying to initiate long lasting relationships, but my wife wanted to just be fwbs with a set time line to break things off two years in at max, now we've been together for 6 years in 4 days and we have our first due in June, so, anything can happen, so, don't worry about it too much.

    In any case take my advice or not, I wish you good luck.

  6. First get photos of the messages so you can prove it to yourself/others when you expose her.

    You didn't throw this away she did, how can you trust her ever again.

    seperate anything you have together, bank accounts, finances etc and make a plan to get out, important things, important documents and a friend you can stay with, how to break the lease etc.

    Then tell her you know and you are breaking up with her and you want her out of the house. Have a friend there as a witness, one of her friends for support/to get her out of the house.

    Sorry mate, please end the relationship for yourself.


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