I [26M] found her [28F] TikTok after we went on a date.

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This is honestly not something I expected to post about, but here's the thing. I have known this woman [28F] for a while since we are in the same friend groups. She's a nice person, attractive, and honestly, I've always enjoyed my talks with her. A few weeks ago, I [26M] asked her out on a date. I figured, if she says no, it's fine. But she actually agreed. We went on a date this past Saturday, and honestly, I thought it was awesome. We went out to dinner, had drinks, spent the rest of the night talking, and we even took a walk on a walking-bridge over the town's lake (it's not a big one). I dropped her off and was elated. I absolutely loved the night.

However, that night when I was scrolling through TikTok on my bed, a post from her (I didn't follow nor knew she had a TikTok) appeared on my 'For You' page. Essentially, she said in the post, “Getting ready for a date I really don't want to go to.”

That was like a bucket of ice water being thrown on my head. I was so freaking happy, and I just found out she didn't even want to go on a date with me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she has to want it, but please, let me know if that's the case. We don't need to go out. We can forget I even asked her out. But doing this, on the internet? It made me… self-conscious? Not sure if that's the right word.

Now, I'm unsure about what to do. Should I tell her I saw this or just forget about it? Honestly, it really hurt me, and I'm not really sure I want to give this another try. I mean, she didn't want to go out with me in the first place. Right?

TL;DR: Asked [28F] out, had an amazing date, later discovered her TikTok post indicating she didn't want to go out. Feeling hurt and unsure whether to talk to her about it.

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