EvelynHugo online webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “EvelynHugo online webcams for YOU!

  1. Overall, you need to change your thinking on this topic: it's quite one-sided and not likely to get you and your wife on the same page. Notice that you speak very negatively about your wife. “Addict”, “keep the pressure”, etc. are all very loaded terms. It seems you think you're 100% right and she's 100% wrong. I'm not so sure this is correct.

    Your wife's individual income is not relevant. There is no “my money” and “your money” in a financially-healthy marriage. Household income and household labor do not map 1:1. You and your wife need to consider total combined income in your budget and agree how to allocate that amount to different spending buckets.

    Family & community obligations are real. Spending for birthday parties, holidays, and gifts are an important item to budget for on an ongoing basis.

    Her point about spending on your own hobbies is also valid. You will want to spend money on things (firearms apparently) that she doesn't particularly care about, and vice versa. This is normal. Both of you should have a “discretionary budget” that you can spend on your own hobbies with no questions asked or judgement. Again, this should not be lopsided with you being allowed to spend significantly more just because you are the breadwinner.

  2. I hope he is doing this through some official kind of service, otherwise if he’s thinking of like turkey basting it or something he can 100% be legally obligated to pay child support for this kid for 18 years if they pursue it.

    Aside from that, I think it’s really disrespectful to your relationship for him to not consult you first, even if he was going to go ahead with it regardless you deserved to discuss it with him prior to the decision.

  3. I see in another comment you’ve only been dating four months. This is extremely inappropriate for that stage in the relationship. I would be very, very wary here.

  4. If you want your relationship to be about more than sex, that’s your prerogative. Don’t second guess yourself. It’s a bad sign that he doesn’t listen to your needs.

  5. Be strong. I’m so sorry you have to choose this path, but I’m really proud of you for it, too. ♥️

  6. Hey. I’m sober. Different substance but an addict. Run. You can’t fix him. He has to want to get sober. Why would he? You are financially supporting him even after he’s stolen from you and destroyed your car. You will eventually lose your home. He doesn’t need counseling. He needs inpatient rehab followed by intensive outpatient. But. He has to want it. He doesn’t. You have so much more to lose and you will if you stay. I strongly suggest going to Nar-anon. It’s for people involved with addicts. You will find support and you will hear firsthand how much worse this can get. If you stay, you are enabling him. Get an attorney and file for divorce.

  7. Lol I know someone who did this exact same thing about ten years ago. They are married with kids now. And laugh about it.


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