K R I S T I E ATKINSON on-line sex cams for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “K R I S T I E ATKINSON on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Seems like everyone already covered the best way to handle the situation. But I just wanted to say best of my luck my man, and I hope things work out for you.

    Come post and update to let us know how it goes.

  2. Yep, my main SA was from my partner, when I was sober and he was abusive. Women are more likely to be assaulted by a partner than some rando at a party (this is not to discount when this happens, it 100% does) but people seem to forget that most SA is done by someone who know the victim.

  3. The only way “out” of this is by her getting another equal-or-better job at another company before this affair is noticed by others. As of now, she has your ass over a barrel with a sexual harassment lawsuit, should she decide that relationship isn't going her way. Your liability is staggering.

    Help get her a job somewhere else, then you two can continue seeing each other. As it stands, what's happened most likely will get out at some point, and while you'll have to then admit to being a colossal fuck-up, at least you can then say you took the steps necessary to A) protect the business and B) try to have a normal, adult relationship that wasn't predicated upon you having a position of authority over your partner.

  4. I think the woefully misguided sense of tradition is actually, in reality, just a method of (sexist) control in a trench coat

  5. He's using the 'you only care about the big wedding' to deflect the real issue.

    The real issue is he's too old for you. I'm also someone who has been called an old soul – thats usually because of childhood stuff where we have to be more grown up. I was a very sick child.

    I also have the wisdom to see that someone 20yrs your senior and who has made zero sacrifices for your relationship.

    Having acts of service as a love language also requires you to be loved in that same language. What acts of service does he do for you? You've blindly given this man your youth, your career and now your future. What has he done with that besides make you a bangmaid?

    I'm going to sound every one of my 37 years now – take a step back and clinically evaluate this man's actions. NOT his words. Talk is cheap.

    Right now you're sounding VERY young. There is no cheat code to be being mature that can make you an equal to him.

    You'll never earn equally. You'll never be equally wise. You'll never know as much as him – because he's had 30yrs of practice at being an adult and you've had 7. You'll always be less than him, always need to be guided and parented by him. You are not his equal and will never be.

    You make him feel good. You stroke his ego. If he wanted to marry you, he would have.

    When your friends all have toddlers, but his is off to university. When your friends want to be 25 and silly but your 'dad' is there sitting in the corner, judging? Does he get grumpy when you're out with your friends because he can't connect with them? When people assume he's your dad in public or professional settings? Does he undermine or belittle your career? What will happen in 15 years when he's ready to retire and you're just turning 40? When you're a widow in your 50s?

    This is the entire reason big age gaps are a problem. You give EVERYTHING because you don't know better. ALWAYS look out for yourself. Love the guy but ALWAYS love yourself more. Love yourself enough to demand better from him and from you.

  6. First I stayed, because I actually thought we could be together if this pregnancy problem ended and we could get kids when we were ready for it. I was actually convinced that she was pregnant and I wanted to increase the chances she removes it, and I wanted to be with her after that.

    Then I started to really think she is lying. I wanted to be with her until I noticed she is such a liar.

    Then I stayed just because I was just so desperate to finally get some indisputable information. I think he will do whatever she wants same as she tells me only whatever she wants so i have no impact on her decisions now.


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