I (F19) told my bf (M20) I’ll be paying for his plane ticket to meet his bestfriends, and he asked me to join. Now he says I can’t go anymore.

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(English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes)

So me and my boyfriend recently celebrated our two year anniversary. My bf has two best friends who on-line in a different country and they’ve never met. For our anniversary I gave him a cute card with the message that I’ll be paying for his plane ticket to meet his bestfriends. He was really happy and asked if I will be joining. I told him if he and his friends want to, I can join. I also got a text from his best friend asking the same and I also told him that. That was a month and a half ago. Nothing has been booked yet bc they didn’t want to rush anything. I have been looking for fun things to do alone and with the whole group, bc I wanted to give my bf and his bestfriends tome with just the three of them. I planned on going to a musical that I really wanted to go see for the past few years, and I planned to go to some historical locations. I was really exited.

Yesterday he told me that he and his friends have been talking about it, and they actually would rather do the trip with just the three of them, and not let the girlfriends join. My boyfriend feels really guilty now bc he previously told me that I can join and we’ve been talking a lot about the things we can do on the trip. I just told him what I told him earlier: that I’ll go if he and his friends want me to. Tbh, it feels really shitty that I’ve have been told I can go and got all hyped up, and hearing now that they don’t want me to join. Although I get it. I told my parents that I won’t be joining the trip after all. They think it’s not okay that I’m paying for the trip and not go while previously have been told I will. What do y’all think?

Edit: Since a lot of y’all told me that I could go on the trip alone and only meeting up for dinners and stuff. That would be a lovely idea and I brought it up. His friends are British and we are going to London. They told him some horror stories about the streets of London and how it’s “unsafe”. Because of that he feels uncomfortable with me roaming the streets of London alone. I explained to him that those are the worst cases, very rare and happen in every city. I’ve been to London multiple times, and I visit Amsterdam atleast once a month. I know the safe places and recognize red flags. It’s also not as if this would be my first time traveling alone to a city. I recently been to prague and for three days. I was walking alone and enjoying myself. But he still doesn’t want me to go

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