Liliithcarter on-line sex chats for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Liliithcarter on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yes, men are/can be friends with a woman they don't find subjectively attractive. That being said, more often than not men are only friends with women they'd be willing to be more-than-friends with. Not all men, and not all the time… You may have made it crystal to clear to the flirty ones that it'll never be more than just friends, but most guys have heard that line before, and it isn't always true. Some of them may be holding out for the hopes of one day your statement will become false too.

  2. No, you tell her now and you make sure you have her consent. She may not want to be sleeping with a 17 year old. Don't be a creep.

  3. Bring it up. Don't be unnecessarily confrontational, but (in case she dodges the topic) insist you expect the same standard of loyalty and being open from her as she expects from you. This points is absolutely undisputable.

  4. If you want to keep the baby then think of a good time to tell him. Then you can give him hints, give him a pregnancy test, or just straight up tell him

  5. If she did it with you there will be another one. You don't need to do a thing. She will fuck up again all by herself. Just leave it be, move on. If the guy has good character judgement he will realise in time. Sleeping dogs lie!

  6. If you want to be petty send her a text and have it say dude I just dodged a bullet. You know that chick I was telling you about? She said I had a small Dick but I didn’t want to offend her but she had a loose pussy. I still didn’t say anything though because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Then you wait til she replys and then you say in caps. OMG I AM SO SORRY THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SENT TO X FRIEND OMG IM SO SORRY. Then never text her again.

    I mean. I might do something like that. Maybe.

  7. Would addiction be more like it? But no dude, none of that is normal or healthy. Pulling this shit isn't ok at any age. Also, he's an adult with adult responsibilities, at some point gotta grow up and be held accountable

  8. It’s not too very hot to organize the split. Add up the recurring expenses. Divide by % of income unless you’re making roughly the same and can just do 50/50.

    But things like your vehicles, car insurance, personal debt (student loans, credit cards) should be kept separate in my opinion.


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