ohhh i see now. he knows what happened to me. We started hanging out in February and I lost my house in August. He showed up the next morning to a burned down house unawares of anything that had happened and thought I died.
You're right. He does see this as a solution. A solution to how he can spend the rest of this one sided relationship he wants to trap you into with, while getting away with cheating and not having to be exclusive himself.
He's using manipulation and weaponizing guilt because you happen to have a sexual past to make sure that you eventually have such low self esteem you won't ever entertain the thought that you can do better than him and he gets infinite free passes on affairs.
You're dating him. He's not dating you. Instead he's fooled you into sitting “on the shelf” waiting for him. Which works for him, because he's a time waster. A vampire on the days, months and years of your life.
U/WalkingTombst0ne Cain and Abel got it on with Lilith
1) you said u were fairly inexperienced at that time, what changed since then?
2) ask her what she is comfortable with and work from there
Just break up, then she can as independence as she wishes.
ohhh i see now. he knows what happened to me. We started hanging out in February and I lost my house in August. He showed up the next morning to a burned down house unawares of anything that had happened and thought I died.
And he's likely to become physically abusive, on top of emotionally.
You're right. He does see this as a solution. A solution to how he can spend the rest of this one sided relationship he wants to trap you into with, while getting away with cheating and not having to be exclusive himself.
He's using manipulation and weaponizing guilt because you happen to have a sexual past to make sure that you eventually have such low self esteem you won't ever entertain the thought that you can do better than him and he gets infinite free passes on affairs.
You're dating him. He's not dating you. Instead he's fooled you into sitting “on the shelf” waiting for him. Which works for him, because he's a time waster. A vampire on the days, months and years of your life.