Sweetpandora online webcams for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Sweetpandora online webcams for YOU!

  1. I didn't say she was.

    What he is telling her.

    How does she feel when he focuses on the abortion option, and won't budge even after a Sonogram.

    He's telling her that she'd be trapping him not that he really wants to be there.

    I don't think she's trapping him. I feel like he has trapped her in a choice she doesn't want, and is refusing to consider a lot of possibilities.

    Moving in together if there is room…kids raise just fine in apartments. (Actually wanna get them out to touch grass FR, there is microorganisms related to depression and, immune system stuff but yeah…they make parks)

    But he is going the hole “no until everything is perfect and in perfect order do we have kids”

    That'll never come, that'll never happen. She's trapped with this and likely some moving goal post for who knows how long.

    Was my wording off? I thought I wrote it well enough to express that. Do you have any recommendations on Grammer changes to prevent other redditors from mistaking my meaning as they come through? (Being serious, to me 8tnreads fine. Not sure if we just have a different way of saying things, you were in a rush, or if you can think of a better way to save me from having to respond to multiple of these. So criticism is welcome)


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