Black-candy23 live sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Black-candy23 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. ? thanks for the laugh, I need nobody to believe me, or message. Just trying to help the op change the thought of being told to be ugly, not be yourself. She seemed to be talking it rough.

    High-key I don't feel rich, I feel like I grew up penniless on a reservation and worked nude my whole life. I feel like I've put in nude work for some fun things.

    Mainly if I'm being honest, the post was to inspire other people to work harder on tangible things less on ethereal. I couldn't care less is I got one message or reply such as yours. I want someone to think geet plasma, what's that?

    I'm just a goofball dreamer who saw a woman confused about status vs presentation. I explained my presentation isn't high, but people view me as high status.

    If I were going to boast it would have been about my inventions ? not money ?

    Much love my pessimistic aquatint, stay blessed, and take everything with a grain of salt?

    Seriously if anyone's interested in alt tech hmu.

  2. Umm. Ok. Before relationship advice, writing advice.. use paragraphs and think through what you want to say before your start writing coz I’m having trouble following what’s going on here..

    On to relationship advice.. So it sounds like a classic love triangle.. you love her, she loves someone else. That someone else was your best friend and now you feel betrayed? Does she want to keep her relationship with the other guy secret?

    If I understand everything correctly, right now I think your feelings are too raw to really process. You might feel hurt and betrayed, but based on something’s you said I feel like it’s as much hurt ego and embarrassment that she quickly moved on to someone you trusted.

    I know you think you are mature beyond your years but believe me, you’re not. You’ll feel a lot more of this before you find true love. This wasn’t true love. This was an infatuation/puppy love. You will feel like this again someday. The hardest part is putting on the brakes when you feel this way and grounding yourself in the level your relationship is in reality vs the level it is in your mind. Dreaming about what kind of family you want is a far cry from planning for it, for example.

  3. I used to work but had to stop cause my body can't take it, I was often crying on my way to work from the pain and exhaustion, but I pushed through every time, abt the working from home thing I don't even have a computer, plus he doesnt want me doung that, he says he has a better plan for me to do, a vettwr job, or go back to school, and about the housework, we have 5 pets, I wake up every day to clean the bathroom, then do the cooking, mop all the floors, take care of the garden, composts etc, wash outside, some days is laundry, some days is the windows of the house, clean the fridge, clean the ovens, stove, kitchen, bathe the dogs, reorganize the rooms, laundry room, main room, clean and deep clean are 2 different things to, and some days I'm so psychally ill that I can't be on my feet for more then 10 minutes at a time, some.days are better, but house work never ever ends, there's always something that needs to be done, I'm gonna find my way, I just need some money until I can make an I come for myself again, he can give me some support weekly, I'm not asking for much either, I just need personal feminine products and such… I don't… nvmnd T.T

  4. Firstly, be careful of her she sounds like she has decided you are her meal ticket. I think a real conversation needs to be had about how you do not want to live above your meals of X a year. Explain to her that the 24 million is about being able to retire and stay comfortable for the rest of your life. And that it is YOUR money not HERS or OURS.

    Second, you need a small reality check. If you really do have 24 million in the bank, you re rish. If you currently earn 200k a year. And to stay on that 'earning' for the rest of your life after 40 means you only need 12 million. You have double that so you are rich.

    I'm not saying you have to spend it, and good on you for living frugal and not crazy. But you are rich.


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