Lumi-hot live sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Lumi-hot live sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/ThowRASeveral-Dog968, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Anyone who refers to women as “bitches” or “thots” or any of the other derogatory names in general ARE NOT WORTH YOUR TIME OR YOUR LIFE. My bf did this when we first started dating until I started calling myself that In general conversation and he would always say “stop don’t call yourself that” to which I would respond “it’s no different to when YOU call me that.” After that he stopped. He’ll slip up sometimes but when he does we’ll stop the conversation. We’ll talk about why he feels the need to call woman these names, if it makes him feel better about himself when he does and why even if someone is acting a certain way you still shouldn’t call them these names.

  3. We live! together btw so I can do that. I’ll definitely try to answer any questions she wants without exposing other peoples privacy

  4. My mother was an alcoholic until it killed her.

    It is a vicious and voracious disease that will eat everything in his life – job, money, your marriage, his friendships and ultimately his family.

    The only solution is full sobriety. There is no such thing as partial sobriety because the part of his physiology that can cope with alcohol is broken. It can't be fixed – ever. I watched my mother go through every lie – “it's just one drink”, “it's only wine/martini”, “I'll just drink tonight and I'll not drink tomorrow”. You can't believe him and you MUSTN'T believe him because it is all bullshit no matter how earnest he appears.

    There is only full, perpetual sobriety.

  5. This is actually a really good question. Technically she's done nothing wrong in that she slept with someone when you weren't together, however the issue I would say is that she withheld the information from given that she was clearly hurt by you keeping in contact with someone else in addition to her relationship with this particular person.

    It's very admirable that you recognise that this person is perhaps her only real friend where she is and that you worry about her wellbeing by foiling that. It's completely understandable that you would feel uncomfortable about them continuing a friendship knowing the circumstances that's have unfolded.

    I guess it comes down to two things: 1) do you trust your girlfriend to remains friends with someone she slept with very recently 2) given that, Do you want to continue the relationship knowing all this?

    Its a very difficult situation. You don't want to hurt your gf by preventing her from having a solid friend in this person but understandably you are apprehensive about her continuing a relationship with someone who she slept with at the given opportunity. Furthermore, is it fair for the person she slept with to continue a friendship with her since he clearly had some kind of attraction to her.

    It's up to you to be honest, and I don't think there is any right or wrong answer as it hinges on your trust in each other.

  6. A slap and a scratch in retaliation to a violent abuser does not equal abuse.

    Again: he nearly murdered her.


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