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12 thoughts on “instagram: the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Thanks for the constructive comment. I do love her and don't want another woman I'm willing to take the chance on the sexual side for all the amazing times we share together, I have told her I'd communicate with her every time I'm in the mood or upset that I'm not getting any, although i know it won't be for awhile I just want her 🙁

  2. 37 is old? Ouch.

    That said, I love to compliment people in a friendly way. I'd have an issue if my hubs had an issue with my being nice. Insecurity isn't attractive.

    Also, I'm fairly certain I read this exact thing several months ago.

  3. “keep the romance alive with some mystery” is a really strange excuse. I wouldn't trust someone who was that secretive about their identity after that long

  4. If you can afford it break up now. If not Prob suck it up until the lease is up.

    Sounds like you already made up your mind it’s just timing now.

  5. Among those shared interests, are there any hobbies/activities where she could meet potential new friends?

    I think both of you would need therapy, you sound exhausted and isolated. And she could ask her doctor to change strategy because having suicidal thoughts is a very serious symptom.

    You could discuss with her about your financial stress and look at options regarding disability money or family help.

    Regarding kids, Adoption and fostering are great ways to satisfy that “something that clicked in you”.

    In any case, you should never ever “stay in a marriage because it’s the right thing to do”… she deserves to have a partner who would feel “selfish for getting to be with her”, not one that thinks he is a martyr for staying. Oftentimes, being single and learning to love oneself is the best way to have the partner you deserve.

  6. The cost of the ring has zip to do w/ how much you value the relationship or her.

    If the cost of the ring for her symbolizes this, time to reevaluate.

    No one making 48k a year has any business spending 5-10k on a ring. It is ridiculous. It is a depreciating asset. There are lots of lovely 2k rings out there, there are lots of lovely 1k rings out there. There are even – gasp – plain gold bands that people wear to show their marriage (they don't even have stones in them!!!)

    Resentment and being on very different financial pages need to be resolved before you get engaged.

  7. You are not crazy. You're not very young and naive. People have these kinds of problems in their seventies, too.

    It doesn't matter if you did the mistake or not, and it isn't petty of you to be concerned, it's very, very reasonable. It's not petty because actually, this isn't about Overwatch at all.

    This is about his behaviour, his ability to control his emotions and reflect on his mistakes.

    Is it the first time he's shown this side of himself?

  8. Didn’t take that long in my experience. Ex bf went from punching his car to pushing me all the way up to holding me up against a wall by my throat but also including dragging me by my hair in front of the apartments we lived in. Thankfully we never married and didn’t have children.

    When OP mentioned he punched his car after their argument I may have been superimposing my experience onto hers, but I immediately got all of the red flags.

  9. I don't think so, cuz they were doing the dance on the line of cheating & if it was harmless….. Why would he need to lie?


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