DannaSoll live sex cams for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “DannaSoll live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/Available_Try_7548,

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  2. No, this is not justifiable under any circumstances.

    First off, you are wrong and effed up big time for getting involved with a person in a relationship (Claire effed up worse, but her bad behaviour does not excuse yours.)

    Secondly, Claire’s body, Claire’s choice. You are free to voice your desire to have her keep it but the ultimate decision is hers.

    ‘Thirdly – what you are describing is extortion aka blackmail aka a truly despicable crime that you are trying to wrap up as some noble lifesaving event. What total BS. It comes across as you are angry that Claire is not thrilled to pieces about carrying your child so you want to punish her for that. Do you even know for sure it is your child? There seems to be a reasonable chance it is the husband’s.

    Why is it BS? Because you told Claire to let her husband believe that it is his. That is not noble or decent or good or honest. It is the selfish, cowardly stance of a poor excuse for an adult who wants to force people to do what you want because you are angry.

    Claire needs to decide what she wants to do about the baby, her relationship(s) and the truth. You have the right to a paternity test if she decides to keep the baby and to legally obtain your paternal rights if the child is yours.

    I believe the husband deserves the truth about the cheating, by the way.

  3. This will probably get buried, but this comment is for me as much as it is for you, kind stranger. About five hours ago, I broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years (next week would have been our anniversary). We live together and don't have kids but have multiple pets. We still love each other so much, but right now I need to not be in a relationship because I have things I need to work out on my own. He has his own things to work on too, but this break up is going like a dream. Because we care about one another, we want what is best for each other. We are having the best conversation about our relationship that we've ever had, what was good, but mostly what didn't work for both of us and what we need right now as individuals. I know that we will be better people both for this relationship and how we are managing our new relationship moving forward. You and your soon to be ex will be so much better for this break up and I think you both know that. All we did was sit down on the couch, the same way we've always done whenever we talk, and I just told him how I felt. That's all you need to do. So don't over think it, just trust her and yourself, and that everything will work out the way it needs to. Good luck.

  4. Ahhh yes. The subtler form of negging, telling you you’re mildly inadequate instead of totally inadequate.

    That ones much more fucked in my opinion because you start weirdly appreciating the compliment in a “thank god I’m not worse” way… so terrible! Glad you got out of that.


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