Ivy online sex chats for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Ivy online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Why is he even friends with his ex to begin with? It seems to be a common trend in this subreddit. Personally, to me that is always an immediate red flag. I really hope you leave him. Personality IS important and his sucks.

  2. Nope, you’re very wrong. 2 dress sizes would be going from a size 2 to a size 6. However, sizes like S or XL encompass a whole range of “dress sizes”. A woman who wears XL on average weighs 165-200 pounds. A woman who wears a 3x on average weighs from 250-300. So it is very possible (and likely) that OP has gained close to a hundred pounds, but please, go off about misogyny.

  3. While ur parents are racist and awful.

    If u are getting money, why would u still be getting financial support??

    Racist or not, I think if u are old enough and mature enough to get married, u should not be dependent on them financially anymore. That makes sense….

  4. That’s for you to decide. Are you ok with living with these feelings? Do you enjoy feeling like this? There is no magic panacea for this kind of thing. People will give you anecdotes like try thinking of something else or get therapy, but those very rarely work.

    You need experience man. You need to know what it’s like being in a relationship where you don’t have these feelings. God knows she needs to learn how to have a healthy relationship as well.

    There are all kinds of women out there, and all kinds of relationships. I get the feeling you’re mixing up your feelings of being happy she’s with you with being happy in the relationship. There’s a very big difference, and it’s a big trap you can fall into, especially for someone with little experience.

  5. Different comment, idk why that sent to u, apologies. I’ll respond in this message.

    She didn’t tell me what she wanted, or how she intended for things to go. I didn’t insult anyone, that didn’t insult me first. I’m not gonna post for advice on how to better my relationship, just to get called a woman hater. That’s asinine. Notice how the comments pointing out they agree with me, take what I said and infer meaning from it. If i agree with them, then we obviously see the situation in a similar light. Am i supposed to disagree with the people who comment in my support and agree with people calling me a misogynist?

    What has happened is “You don’t like hearing your girlfriend got creampies before. Women are allowed to have sex. You can’t control women”

    As if that’s what this is in the slightest.

    This isn’t a feminism issue, yet here comes the feminism crowd telling me i seek to control my girlfriend’s thought. You all want to infer deeper meaning instead of looking at the situation at hand.

    No shit i’m insecure, thanks for using your sherlock holmes level of investigative skills to come to that conclusion. I opened myself up to criticism, to improve upon my own actions. I didn’t get anything that said “here’s what you should do”

    I got “You did this, that means you are x”

    it’s okay for people to joke and take the easy bait after I OPENED MYSELF UP to the criticism, but when I retort back with something i’m an asshole? Funny

  6. Kick his ass out asap. He wants to be with her. You heard it yourself. Don't let him gaslight you. He is staying with you because he needs a place to online. I can promise you if his ex called him, he would go back to her. Quit being his second.


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