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Afriqueenalive sex stripping with hd cam

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9 thoughts on “Afriqueenalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Do you often point out things to him, like the fact he’s going to be late, so why is he getting making more coffee?

    I know someone who used to point things out like this often to their partner and it chipped away at them. This person ended up sounding more like a helicopter parent than a an equal partner that trusts that their person knows what they are doing and can make their own adult decisions consequences and all.

    It sounds like your whole relationship dynamic is unbalanced and he is tipping below you and you keep trying to coach him to reach up to your level – and he’s feeling small, not fully seen as a mature adult partner and angry about it.

    I used to get really upset when I was working on something, and my parents would nag at me to do that thing – as if I wasn’t already doing the work. They expected me to be as experienced as them and have finished already.

    It sounds like you have an expectation that your partner be on the same level as you in ways they aren’t ready for, and your pushing is just reminding him how much of a fixer-upper you see him as, and how he’ll likely never reach your level, and that’s upsetting.

    I’m not putting blame on you. I think, since this has been an issue from the start all these years, it’s not fair to either of you to try and force change that he’s not able to make.

    If you’ve asked for couple’s therapy and expressed ways to work on things together and in 11 years he’s still not ready to try, he might never be.

  2. It the best, understand it takes two to have a relationship, respect it and walk away.

    You would expect the same?

  3. She lies. She is using you. Who knows why. Clean break and go. You will not always feel like this and will one day be fine without this weirdo woman in it.

  4. Absolutely! This is why we live together in a society. There are financial geniuses and there are gifted bakers. To value only one form of intelligence is frankly, a sign of stupidity. OP, you must have something that they are envious of, otherwise they wouldn't be so obvious with their petty remarks.

  5. I’m so sorry to read your plight, i understand that you want your closure but he’s not going to do that! He’s blocked you to show his “dominance and defiance” to control the narrative. It’s best to put this behind you and move on, otherwise it will eat up at you. Also, there’s a worry just as you’re moving on with your life, he’ll pop back up in your socials and cause a sh1t show. It’s going to hurt for a while but find positives in your situation and look for the things that give you energy and pleasure. Go to the gym, socialise, get a new wardrobe if funds allow. Change up your hair, glow up your makeup and get out there lady!! Life is too damn short to be wasting any more oxygen on him, look to your bright future not his dark past. I wish you all the very best, please keep us posted on how you get along and stay strong. Any feedback or constructive criticism from you, the OP is welcomed. Have an awesome weekend, you got this 🙂


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