Crystalmon on-line sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Crystalmon on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. You've set a precedent with you taking her back despite her cheating on multiple occasions. She believes can get away with it again because you're soft and even has the Audacity to tell you beforehand. Please stand up for yourself and break up with her. Otherwise expect to go thei the same carosusel over and over again.

  2. Honestly even if I liked a person I would balk at being asked out like that. Because you didn't ask her out, did you? You made a statement with the implicit assumption that she was going to go out with you. On top of being demanding, it's also a really transparent tactic to try and make it difficult for someone to refuse you.

    That would set off serious red flags for me and I doubt I would want to risk a date on the off-chance that the person is just socially awkward and not weird and controlling. You're right though, and it's probably a no from her. I wouldn't bother her about it again – she said she'd tell you when she's free, so if she's interested she'll get back to you.

    I don't know if you're into pick-up artist bullshit, but this sounds like something they'd recommend. Just FYI most women can see through that shit the same way you know a salesman is trying to manipulate you into buying something you don't really want. It's not going to do you any favours, compared to say, being confident, non-threatening and polite.

  3. I was certainly a narrssisist, and believed that my own mis fortune allowed me to upset others. I'd say this is true for a lot of people.

  4. You're not an asshole, just naive and guilty of persisting to have high expectations of a man who hasn't displayed the skills to reach them. He is worthless to you, and the title of dad can be acquired by a 12 year old. Leave him behind and grow.

  5. I appreciate you commenting on my post, but it’s a little dense to think that an age gap relationship is the end of the fucking world and that the older person is most likely just an abusive ass narcissist trying to take control over the life of the other person. I have been in a four year relationship previously from this one, and I can tell you that I would know if I was dating a narcissist and a gaslighting abusive asshole because I’ve dated one before. I have eyes. Young does not mean stupid. It just means I lack some experience not any experience.

  6. It’s “libido” and yeah, being on BC will lower it in many cases but they could add a med like Wellbutrin to offset the sexual side effects.

  7. Honestly…why would he send them to another woman who is in a committed relationship? No other human being can help him rate a song? I say 95% sure these are for you.

    Here's a pro tip- don't discuss the ups and downs of your love life or partner with a friend of a gender you date. With any friend, you have to walk the line between needing help and advice, and trashing your partner or disclosing private information with them, but especially with a friend who is someone whose gender you would date and vice versa. That's how almost every emotional affair starts. The one person tells the other about their problems and complaints about their partner, and then they get all warm and happy from having someone validate their complaints, and it becomes a direct comparison between your partner's actions, and how the new person tells you they would act. And the person doing all the bashing here can pretend it's not the start of anything because their argument is “I can't be doing anything wrong if I am telling them I have a partner.”


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